Chapter 18

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A note to all those who asked to be a part of the story: I have a plan.

If I was to add you the way I thought I was going to, I don't think I'd be able to do it justice.

So either leave me a comment or PM me if you want to be in this story...because I may have a different idea.


(Ze's POV)

Today, Chilled and I woke up to the announcer telling us we had docked in Gibraltar, United Kingdom, the first stop on our cruise. Once Chilled and I were ready, we got off the ship and headed into the port.

Once we were farther into Gibraltar, we saw this huge rock overlooking the city. Chilled pulled out a travel guide, and determined that it was called The Rock, a very famous landmark. We then decided to climb up it.

As we made our way over to the starting point for The Rock, we saw a cable car going up. We hopped on, and just talked as the cable car went up.

Once the cable car went to the top, we were awestruck. The view was amazing! On one side, you could see Britain, the other side you could see Spain, and all in between was the beautiful ocean! Chilled and I both began to take a ton of pictures. Once we took a ton of pictures, we decided to take some selfies, so we posed, and took a bunch. I posted my favorite ones to Instagram, as did Chilled, and we then soaked in the view of a little while.

I looked back at my photos to see all of the supportive and happy comments, which made me really happy. It made me happy that our fans were happy, and I was happy because I had everything I needed at my side - my lovely Fiancee Chilled, great friends, a great job, and a great life... I couldn't ask for anything better.


(Chilled's POV)

Gibraltar came and went. Fans were so supportive of us, they kept sending in their amazing artwork, and well wishes for our cruise. Ze and I kept taking pictures every day, wanted to capture every moment.

A few more days had passed, and finally, the day came..

The day we were going to say "I do".

I was more nervous to do this than anything (and I mean anything) else in my entire life.

But I knew that I loved Ze with all my heart, and that he loved me with all of his. I also kept reassuring myself of this as Smarty was helping make sure everything was ready. I had gotten fully dressed, with a small red rose as my  boutonniere.

I was smiling as I kept walking toward the chapel on the cruise ship, toward my future with Ze.

And I was already enjoying every second of it.


(Ze's POV)

Chilled decided that he wanted to be the one who walked down the isle, and I let him. I wasn't going to say anything different. I got a dream engagement and the greatest man in the world, so I'm pretty sure I already got everything I needed.

Oh wait, did I mention that the greatest man in the world was getting married to me TODAY?!? i guess you could say that I'm excited.

There I was, waiting at the alter, with the Priest. Smarty was sitting behind me, with half of our groomsmen behind him. Tom, and the other half of our groomsmen, walked down the isle, one by one. followed by our ring bearers, and finally Minx and Krism, who didn't want to wear anything super over the top, so we let them pick the dress both of them would be wearing so long as it didn't clash super bad. They both decided on a simple black dress, and they both looked very nice.

Finally, he came down the isle. 

Chilled's dad escorted him down the isle, and I was so happy. I saw a future, a very happy one at that, because I get to have the greatest man in the world for the rest on my life.

I zoned out for most of the priest's speech, zoning back in when he said my  name. 

"And do you, Ze RoyalViking, take Chilled Chaos, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, until death do you part?"

"I do." I said, fully confident that this was what I wanted.

The priest then said to Chilled. "And do you, Chilled Chaos, take Ze RoyalViking, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, until death do you part?"

"I do." he said, just as confident as I did.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband." The priest said. "You may kiss your husband."

And Chilled and I kissed....

And I fell in love with him all over again.



OVER 31 K VIEWS?!?!?!??!! WHATTT???? I can't believe that this story has that many views. I'm so thankful to each and every one of you who have viewed this story. You're the reason I love writing these stories. Check my Profile for a little bit of what's been going on (it's under Conversations). 

This story isn't done. I promise you that.

There will be more parts. I haven't even decided on an ending for this story yet.

Thanks for reading, and keep on being amazing!


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