Fresh Start

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He had led me from his office down a grand hallway and to another large door with incredibly beautiful carvings, these carvings depicted a large tree with winding branches and pretty leaves. The handle was old but shined brightly like gold, Go ahead. I looked over my shoulder to see him standing calmly in his black button up along with his black dress pants and what looked like Peter Milar loafers, I turned the door handle and opened the door. Inside was a beautiful queen sized bed with cream sheets and a nice fluffy duvet, the ceilings were high with a chandelier hanging in the middle and the walls had crown molding that looked royal, the windows had the curtains drawn and there was a desk next to the window on the wall across from the bed there was a wardrobe that looked like it would be stood in the Queens bedroom. Inside that door is your own bathroom.. I'd assume you'd want your own personal space. I looked back at him with my eyes wide and my mouth slightly open, I nodded in response. Also on your desk are the latest Apple iPad, MacBook and computer... along with a new phone, once you've set everything up forward me an email of anything else you'd need.. clothes or anything. I couldn't believe how generous this man is being.. Thank you.. really. He smiled and nodded before grabbing the door to shut it, Wait! He paused. What's your name and how would you like me to address you? My names Dylan O'Brien.. just call me Dylan please. I nodded and he closed the door, oh my goodness this place is incredible. I set my suitcase on.. on my bed. I felt so giddy I could hardly focus. I pulled my clothes out of my bag and laid them nicely in the wardrobe, and began setting up my new desk and devices. I started searching for clothes since I only had a few outfits, mainly nice sweaters, jeans, and a couple of nice dresses. Downloading the links to my email and sending them to Dylan. I leaned back in my chair and looked up at the high ceiling, I hope you're proud of me mom and dad... I got a job and a life just like you wanted. I sat back up and started typing up another email,

To: DylanO'
Subject: Assistant

Mr. O'Brien would you be willing to send me a list and contact list of all your affiliates along with a your meetings schedule, or anything work related etc. I will put them onto an organized schedule that will notify you whenever you have something scheduled. I will also document whether your meeting are business related or personal.


Alexandria Walker
PA of Dylan O'Brien and DOLI


Two emails popped up in my inbox.. both from Alexandria, one being clothes which I like her taste.. the second being. Oh interesting.. she's already getting started to work, I sent her back a list of all my affiliates and their contact information along with my jumbled up schedule. This will make my life so much easier, along with having some company... it'll be nice to have someone around to talk to and.. I don't know what do people do? Hang out? Fuck that sounds so weird. But I assume it's normal... not for me being close to my personal assistant I'm guessing. My phone started buzzing in my pocket,

No Caller ID

Fucking Christ Edward what now... I picked up the phone. Hey! O'Brien how've you been man? This fucker is so annoying, Edward what do you need now? I could hear him laugh in the background. Dylan lighten up man, tell you what I'm gonna pay for your ticket man come on out and see us. I rolled my eyes, Now why would I fly all the way to Europe just to see your dumbass? He laughed again, Since the Empress wants to see you again. Fuck. Not the damn Empress. Why does she want to see me Edward? I don't know man, probably because you're her prized possession. Again I role my eyes at that bullshit statement. When fucker. Damn Dylan chill, Friday. I'll pay for my ticket I'll contact you when I land. Deal see you soon.
Fuck. What does this bitch want now.
Im not gonna leave Alexandria here alone... and I sure as hell do not want the Empress to know that  I have a human PA to help manage my life jeez, what do I do? Fuck it I'm bringing her.

Finally finished. I organized all his contacts in alphabetical order and completed his calendar for the next two months, damn this guys busy. I heard knocks on my door, Come in! Alexandria? He poked his head inside, I need you to add a trip to my schedule. Sure where and when? He paused, Uh to Rome Italy... The flight leaves tonight at 7. I turned to look at him, Pack a bag. I was taken back a bit. Dylan I can't pay for that. He opened the door all the way and looked at me confused, Who said you're paying? Pack your bag I'll get you stuff in Rome. He just left like that, Well okay I guess I'm repacking. I'm also starting to think the whole thing of me using my Government name is weird... I repacked my bag and started my way down the stairs, and there he was waiting on his phone with a small black Dolce &Gabbana bag at his feet. I'm ready to go. He looked up from his phone, How do you do flying? I uh have never flown before. He nodded and took a pair of car keys from his pocket, Well lucky your your first flight is on a private jet let's go. He opened the door and I quickly followed behind him, we took a path to a garage.. well what I'd assume to be a garage but it looks fancier than any garage I've ever seen. He typed a code onto the wall and the garage door opened.. inside was a matte black McLaren, You really like the color black. He chuckled before pushing a button to open the doors, throw your bag in the back. As he walked towards the car getting into the driver's seat, I climbed into the passengers seat and buckled my seat belt wrote pulling the door shut. Dylan did the same, he started the car and he pulled out of the garage. Speeding down the long road to the front gate, there must have been bothering him telling from how fast he was driving. Is something wrong? He turned to look at me for a moment, Let's just say something came up and I'm not happy about it. He let off the gas a bit, Is there anything I can do to help? He smiled a bit, Just do as I say, and don't be a brave. I was confused by that statement.

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