The Plan

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***Caroline's P.o.V.***

"Hey Blondie" 

I hear Damon's voice and quickly turn around to find him standing in my dorm.

"What's wrong Damon? What are you doing here!" I ask, there must be something important that would have brought him here.
"I came to cheer you for your performance" Damon smirks, he has picked up one of the many flyers lying in the dorm for my tonight's performance of the Shakespearean drama Macbeth. 
I frown, "Damon please come to the point. Why are you here?"
Damon smirks again but his eyes have lost the sparkle. I know living without Elena is eating him up, it is hard for all of us but with Damon it is so much worse.
He slowly moves towards my bed and sits at the edge, his eyes resting on his palms.
It is a few minutes before he looks up and starts to speak, "These heretics are a menace! We have been trying to prevent them from creating havoc but they are becoming nastier. Stefan still feels that we can make our dear mother and her family of freaks see reason but I know better, and I have come here to ask for your help."
"What's the plan? When are we fighting them?" I ask.
Damon gives out a hollow laugh, "No fighting for you blondie... All you need to do is to keep my little brother occupied till tomorrow afternoon. The sooner you can get him out from Mystic Falls the better!"
"What! I haven't really talked to Stefan in more than a few syllable in the past year, what am I supposed to say to him? I could probably track him, snap his neck and keep him unconscious for a while I guess" I say with a distaste.
"I am fully capable of snapping people's necks myself Caroline. I'll manage rest of the plan along with Ric, you just need to call him here... ask him to come for tonight's performance. He has been wanting to talk to you for so long, he'll come without a doubt!"
"What is going on in your head Damon? Please don't do anything reckless! If anything happens to you Stefan would be devastated, he would be lost forever! And you very well know what will happen when Elena finally wakes up to find that the love of her life couldn't keep himself safe for a few decades... After all the hardships and sacrifices she deserves to have a happy life with you... and Ric has-" 
Damon cut me short "I understand! Ric and I will try and stay alive. And I'll tell you everything later. Now, can you do what I have asked of you or not?"
I glare at him for a few moments. I don't know what to do, I don't want any more suffering to happen, but I can see that Damon has set his mind to it, he would go ahead with his plan with or without me. 

"Okay, I'll do my best" I sigh.
Damon nods and leaves at Vamp speed. 

I take out my cellphone and dial Stefan's number. The phone rings twice before Stefan answers.
"Hey Caroline" He asks, "Is everything alright?"

"Hey" I speak in a small voice feeling a little awkward talking to him after such a long time.

"How are you?" He asks, he sounds worried. 
"I am fine Stefan" I mumble, "I have this show tonight, I was wondering if you could come down here to watch it and then maybe we could hang out a little?"

"Stefan are you still there?"

"Yupp" I hear his slightly chirpy voice and feel a little smile curve up my lips.

"Friends and family of every actor on tonight's drama are coming, I could do with a friendly face in the audience too" I say to him, I really was thinking of this before Damon came. But I probably would have ended up not calling Stefan if it wasn't for Damon and his plan.

"I'll be there Caroline, I'll leave from here right away" Stefan replies, "I'll see you in a couple of hours!"
"See ya" I mumble back and cut the call.

I really hope Damon and Alaric have come up with something good, there are a lot of things at stake.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you like the story. Please leave comments/reviews, they mean a lot.

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