CHAPTER 3: be careful

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you are sat on the couch smoking a blunt when a girl walks in ?: hi is um jj here y/n: no he isn't ?: oh ok are u guys like y/n: no I live here I'm johnbs sister ?: oh ok well could u tell him I came by y/n: sure ?: thank u She walks off and u rol...

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you are sat on the couch smoking a blunt when a girl walks in
?: hi is um jj here
y/n: no he isn't
?: oh ok are u guys like
y/n: no I live here I'm johnbs sister
?: oh ok well could u tell him I came by
y/n: sure
?: thank u
She walks off and u roll ur eyes
Johnb walks in and sits next to u
jb: who was that
y/n: one of jjs fuck Buddys
jb: chuckles* u seem pissed
y/n: I'm not pissed why would I be pissed
jb: idk u tell me *chuckles
y/n: shut up
you get up
y/n: I actually need to get my board back from jj he took mine cus his broke so I'll tell him now
jb: or u could ring him
y/n: don't u think I tried that
jb: alright someone is grumpy today
you roll ur eyes
y/n: bye
jb: y/n before u go be careful round jjs his dad could be there and he is trouble and kinda creepy so be careful ok
y/n: ok
you leave and walk to jjs house
you look around the house to see if he is there
y/n: jj
you don't see anyone
y/n: jj
Luke jjs dad comes out
l: hey gorgeous can I help u
y/n: hi um is jj in
l: yeah in his room
y/n: thank u
he stands infront of u
you get nervous
l: ur routledge daugher aren't u
y/n: um yeh
l: you look just like ur mother she was very beautiful and hot
you barge past him and go in jjs room but he is naked and just got out the shower
you turn around
j: it's fine what are u doing here
y/n: u weren't answering ur phone so I came here
he puts his boxers on
j: u can turn around now
you turn around
j: what did u wanna tell me
y/n: umm
you look at him and he looks real good
y/n: well I wanted to ask if I could have my surf board back and some girl came over looking for u
j: yeah sure and who's the girl
y/n: idk some brunette
j: ohh ok I probs won't call her
y/n: why
j: remember when u told me about rafe well that was girl I fucked so
y/n: ohh okk
j: also I'll give u ur board back if u do one thing for me
y/n: and what is that
j: u spend the day with me
y/n: sorry what
j: u have to spend the day with me *chuckles
y/n: are u serious
j: do u want ur board back or not
y/n: sighs* fineeee
jj gets dressed and you wait for him
you didn't wanna mention that u did see his dick tbh u was shocked how big it was
he really wasn't lying about that
j: let's go
he opens the door with a bag on his back
j: dad I'm staying at johnbs for a while
l: figured u would
j: um yeh cmon y/n let's go
l: say hi to ur mommy for me routledge
you look at him and grab one of his bottles packs of cigs and walk out
j: sighs* did u have to do that
l: just being friendly
Jj sighs and walks out
j: y/n are u ok
y/n: I'm fine
You put the cigs in ur pocket and u keep walking
j: we aren't walking *gets on his bike
y/n: jj I'm not getting on ur motorcycle
j: yes u are you
y/n: no I'm not
j: just get on the bike
y/n: fineee
You get on and hold onto him
j: hold on ok
y/n: ok
he rides to somewhere
y/n: where are we going
j: somewhere I like to sit to think
you arrive and get off the bike and sit down
he sits down next to u
y/n: ur dad is kinda creepy
j: did he do anything to u
y/n: he called me gorgeous then said I looked just like my mother and that I was beautiful and hot
j: I'm sorry about him he is asshole , the amount of drugs and alcohol he has
He is fucked in the head
y/n: it's ok j I know it's not ur fault
he realizes u called him j and smiles to himself
y/n: u light one of the cigs u stole from Luke and offer him one he takes it and smokes it
y/n: why did u want me to spend the day with u
j: why not
y/n: surely there is a reason
j: might be might not be
y/n: shakes her head
j: chcukles
y/n: so what's ur type of dream girl
j: what's got u interested
y/n: I'm just askinggg
j: ok well she gotta be cute , pretty , like surfing , except me for me , be able to have a laugh and smoke of course also can't be a kook
y/n: I'm guessing that's a deal breaker can't be a kook *chuckles
j: chuckles* of course
little did u no he was talking about u the whole time
y/n: she sounds perfect btw
j: she is
y/n: what do mean she is
j: umm I just mean like she will be u no
y/n: yeah u deserve the best j just know that
j: smiles* thank u and so do u
y/n: smiles* thank u

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