Acquiring Husband

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Jax's POV

After Tessa and I heard the door open we immediately rushed to get our clothes on to follow him. We went outside but we couldn't see him anywhere, me and Tessa split up so we could cover more ground.

I searched every alleyway, bridge and usual homeless people hang out spots but I couldn't find them. After a few hours went by me and Tessa met back up. " So did you find them. " Tessa asked me. "No I didn't see him anywhere." I said sighing.

Me and Tessa are about to discuss the next part of our plan when an octopus comes up to us. He grabbed me by my arm and started yelling at me saying my stupid pet snake took his boat. I looked at him and was surprised and yelled. "Wait you seen them where did they go. "

Before I could to ask any more questions the man told me to shut up and said. "You stupid pet took my boat you know how expensive that was that yacht was worth at least a gold brick."

As he continued to yell at me I became more panicked. Then Tessa started to yell at the man to let go of me. Then I saw a boat in the distance coming straight towards us. " Do you think that's your boat?" I said pointing towards the boat. The man looked over and dropped me as soon as he saw the boat. " Yeah that's my boat that stupid snake is on it too!"

Carl please I swear to you all things heavenly come back with money. As soon as Carl got up to the dock, the man dropped me and started to yell at them. "You fucking snake you better have compensation for the trouble you caused me!"

Carl just went past him and went up to me and started to check my hands, and that's when I noticed that their hands were wrapped in bandages. "Carl you have to give some of what you found to that man, because you caused him a lot of trouble by taking his stuff." I said softly.

He nodded his head and went up to the boat and used magic to take out a whole bunch of gold, like there's like a million pieces in there we're rich. They handed the man like four pieces and then walked up to me and said "Enough for marriage or need more." I was surprised that they thought they would need more. "This is way more than enough good job." I patted him on his head.

After apologizing to the man and leaving, Tessa, Carl and I made it back home safely. " Okay Carl one thing we have to do before we get married if you need a bath." He noted his head yes as I told Tessa to go put the gold up. I showed Carl to the bathroom and told him to go and take off their clothes.

I left the bathroom to get some clothing that might fit them. I came back into the bathroom to see it filled with smoke I saw Carl in the middle of the rooms they had legs but a long tail behind them they were fully naked.

Yummy pic

"Whoa I didn't know you had that kind of body

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"Whoa I didn't know you had that kind of body." I said stunned. He turned to me and smiled "My tiny husband is back." I blushed at his words and said. "Here put this on when you're done." I left the bathroom oh what the heck did I get myself into now.

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