Chapter 3

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Next day at day break/sunrise
Voraths pov
The muscly man laying in a big fancy silk bed with deep blue sheets, looks calm-a then ever. He then rolls over now facing a large window , a slip of orange and yellow light slipping through the curtains on to his face causes him to squint and wake up with a groan has he rubs his face. "....fuck" He muttered has he dragged himself up and out the bed thousands could only dream off.

Now standing in his large room Vorath looked into his full length mirror near by his bed. Seeing his reflection he smirked , despite his dark navy blue hair messy and the thin but long braid slowly undoing its self he looked handsome with his bed head and brown robes. He grumpily walked to his bathroom to shower.

Not long later he was outside in the summer morning air ready in his sliver armour, bedhead gone and was replaced with his usual neatly braided and combed hair. Vorath turned to face one of his soldiers who walked up to him. "Sir!!! Everything is ready to go, horses ,weapons and everything else."   "Good we leave in 5." Due to the more early hours Vorath spoke in a slightly deeper voice still not even facing the man.

He then walked up to his horse who was in the stable grounds, a pure white Friesian breed great in battles was also just finished being tacked up by a trio of stable boys and servants alike. King Vorath walked over and spoke with an slightly irritated voice "tell the others were leaving" he stepped besides the now tacked up Friesian and gently took hold of the reins has he lead the white horse to group up with the soldiers who will be tagging along with him.

He put his foot in the stirrup and hopped on the horse, the draw bridge at the front of the castle opened and he lead the small group out into the once lively kingdom that was now dead land, the commoners had to evacuate into the castle protected by the walls.

voraths voice could be heard. "where did you find this earth devil?". He turned to look over his shoulder at the greying man who was following close behind along with 4 others on horse back. The older man repiled quickly not wanting to annoy his ruler, "in the forest at the west border, sir".Vorath just nodded before sighing 'a 2 day journey what a hassle , what an ass of a devil to make me come all this way for a slight possibility that he'll work with us'. Another sigh could be heard but this one was clearly irritated. 'I just won't give him a choice then'
('' that means he was thinking sorry lol)

Timeskip 2 days later
The group had arrived at the forest and set up camp on the side of the main/only road going through the forest.The men were sat around on logs waiting for an order, their horses tied up and chopping on some grass. A loud voice could be heard amongst the group as the Knights talked.
"Now that we've had a break it's time to search,you two go north".Vorath commanded has he points to a pair of his soldiers."your coming with me".Vorath points to the greying man before speaking again in a slightly annoyed tone of voice. "And you two are keeping eye on the camp and horses ,we regroup here at sunset".He started to walk off deeper into the forest. The greying man rushing to follow him.

A couple hours went by and they couldn't find any trace of the earth devil until they walked so far that the number of trees started to drop and a view of a massive oak tree on abit of a hill came into view leaving Vorath and the man curious.
Vorath continued to walk up the hill to the tree, the man with him hesitating but following anyway. Once at the top of the hill ,using the tree roots as steps they look down at the drop the over side of the tree. "Come on , you first". Vorath said waiting for the greying man to jump or climb down the drop before him. "W-what sir ,there's surely a path somewhere?".
"And? I want to go this way ,get climbing, that's an order!". Vorath said in an annoyed tone before the greying man sighed and climbed down the drop.
"What's down there?". Vorath spoke still with an annoyed voice. The greying knight turned his head and saw an old wooden door a faded blue colour. "...a door sir".the man answered back. "Huh, a what?", Vorath jumped down the drop and stared at the door with curiosity and suspicion of it.

With out warning Vorath pushed open the old heavy door and walked inside to see that it was some type of house inside that had a old fashioned counter and chair, fire pit and some cabinets but most importantly a small bed in the corner with a sleeping figure in it. The knights eyes widened has he sees that the figured at deer antlers like the forest devil. "It's him!", the knight spoke in a surprised and  slightly scared voice while Vorath shrugged and walked towards the bed standing over Shax.

Shax started to wake once he felt a glaze on him and spoke in a confused and angry tone still groggy from just waking up. "What- what the hell are you doing in here-". Before Shax could finish his sentence Vorath picked him up and threw him over his shoulder with ease,Shax being restrained by the blanket he had been wrapped in when he was asleep.

"What the hell put me down", Shax spoke angrily has he tried to wiggle from Voraths hold. Vorath responded by tightening his grip and  starting to walk out the underground home,the knight following him. "Quit whining be lucky that you're being carried".
"Lucky?-". Shax went unconscious when Vorath unintentionally smacked Shax's  head into the wall while trying to navigate his way out in the small home.
"Ah thank god the whining fucker shutted up". Vorath rolled his eyes has he came aware of Shax's unconsciousness has he started to make his way back to camp.

Once they arrived back at camp the other knights stared at their king carrying the mysterious woodland being into their hut. Vorath placed the unconscious Shax on one of the six beds and ordered one of the knights to tie his arms and legs for when he woke up.

1109 words yayyy 😭😀

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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