🎵🎶Take(ing) A Breakkk🎶🎵

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guys, writer's block already?!?!?

also, I have a lot of school work I need to get done and testing, and all that fun stuff is coming up next week, so I'm probably gonna take a break on writing the story. 

I do have the plot for chapter 2 finished, and chapter 3 is almost done, so that's pretty good.

I'm loving it rn, though

but, guysss, stuff is going downnn 😭😭 

I have band stuff to work on, I got an essay to write (y'all, how do you write an essay..??) I have civics stuff to study, and I got theater stuff to do

and my mental health is crap, I've been crying for no apparent reason these past few days and I haven't really had the time to work on all that fun stuff (not that I ever do) and I've really just been ignoring it.

also, these kids at school are such poopy heads 😔😔

Anyway, sorry, that part was really more of a rant

but I'll be on wattpad, just not really posting any stories or updates for a few weeks 

bye pooks 😘😘

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