Chapter 1 - bad decision

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God did I already hate this town..
We've been here for a few weeks already. Dad said I would get used to it, but yet I haven't.

All I wanted was to be back with mom and all my friends. People I actually knew and liked. Not only did I have to live with my dad, I had to live with his girlfriend and her stupid daughter.

The nicest thing my dad's done so far is let me do school from home till I'm ready, but I don't know if I ever will be..
The streets are filled with kids that know each other, I won't fit in. Plus my new step-sister seems to be popular. Knowing my luck she's already ruined my reputation before anyone knows me.

All these thoughts were cramming my head, I couldn't focus on any of my papers. I could use a coke.

I stood from my scattered papers layed on my bed, the blanket and sheets were all wrinkled, but I couldn't be bothered to fix them.

I made it down to the fridge and grabbed a coke, my favorite drink, and probably the only thing I drink.
Maybe that's why my teeth are always sore..
I pondered other random thoughts before I seen Annabeth walk down the stairs. With her backpack?

"Bye Aerith, I'm leaving for school"
What. Had I stayed up that long. Was it already that time of day?
"Oh-bye Annabeth.."
"Just call me Anna, it's easier." She gave me a smile, and it seemed genuine. I watched her walk through the door, softly closing it.
Maybe she wasn't that bad.

It did give me a thought though. She was a main obstacle for me to get over. I had been thinking she would ruin my life before I got to live it, but she seemed nice.

Before I could answer my own thoughts, I was already racing up the stairs with a nervous smile. I brushed my hair and teeth, along with cleaning my face.
I hurried to get a outfit picked and placed on.



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My outfit was pretty, it wasn't to much but not to little.

God my thoughts were all over the place, and I was speeding like a race car.
I didn't think adrenaline and a one second decision could fule me this much.

I quickly tossed a bunch of needs into my backpack and threw it on my back. Ignoring the weight and a book stabbing my back.

I ran down the stairs, Turing the corner into the kitchen to leave out the unlocked side door, but I ran into my dad.
I spotted him at the stove, cooking what smelled like sausage.
I fell silent and walked up to him, I felt so nervous and werid. Like my stomach wanted to curl up and burn, or that my skin wanted to evaporate.

"Hey dad. I'm -uh- ready for school." I couldn't muster up even looking up at him, if I did I'm sure my eyes would fall out the sockets.
"Oh. Okay, well luckily I just finished these. I'll drive you there and get all your papers registered." He didn't bother looking at me either.. I felt hurt but I didn't wanna care. I just walked out the door, only closing the screen part and going into the car.

It wasn't long till he came outside as well and hopped in the car.
"Are you sure your ready? You haven't been... very- social?" He had asked with such uncertainty I thought I'd made a bad decision.
"I'm ready." I thought of saying more, but then again, it wouldn't matter.

He just nodded with a sigh and started the car.
I zoned out the muliminute drive and we pulled into the school parking.
"Alright, let's head in." Not a glance.

We both opened the front doors. There were kids crowded in the halls. At lockers, or just standing in the middle. It smelled of jocks and perfume. I was already breathing heavy.
I instinctively stepped closer to my dad, and he looked down at me, slowly placing a hand on my backpack and guided me to the office. I felt so weirdly comforted and safe, it was a new feeling from him.

I don't even remember being placed in a chair. I was just staring at the floor, so many thoughts I was sure you could see them pouring out my ears..

"Aertih?.." it was a soft woman's voice. I looked up and seen a lady sitting in the chair in front of me.
'Guidance' is what I read from her ID clipped onto her coat.

"I'm Mrs. Whites, I'm the Guidance councilor. I have your schedule ready, dear."
Her voice was so kind. I felt like I was at a therapy session.
"Okay.. uh.. what's the classes?"
I nothing but struggled to breathe, but I had to steady it to stay grounded.
"Your first period is Science, then gym, math, reading and writing, health Ed, free period, and lastly social studies. Are all those okay with you? I can change any of them at any time, sweety."
I hated social studies, but I didn't wanna bother this sweet woman.
"Nope, its all good, thanks." I stood up and grabbed the schedule, reading it over, and the times for each one's.
I walked out the office as I read my schedule over. I looked up from the paper, the halls were deserted, clean of any person.

I checked my watch, still first period. Around the middle of it.
The room number was 6A. I expected hallway A to be at the front, as it was. I looked at each door number until I reached 6.
My stomach dropped. Nothing left down there. An empty cave.

I took a deep breathe in and folded the paper up, sticking it in my pocket.
I softly knocked on the door, the sound I hadn't noticed before had stopped. I heard heels clacking on the tile floor, and the door opened.

It was a dark haired woman with classes, she wore a navy blue knee length dress and red heels, matching her red-white poked dot glasses.

"Oh! Are you a new student?"
"Um.. yea-"
She placed her cold hand on my back and gently shoved my into the classroom, leaving me in front of everyone.

I felt each and every eye coming from each square table of 4 people.8 eyes coming from each.

This was not a good start for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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