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Baseball, suitcase, knife, and lightbulb have been on the season two grounds for weeks now doing nothing, and some have found ways to entertain theirselves. Knife started going to the hotel even more often to see his best friend, pickle. And even though he wasn't supposed to, he didn't listen.

   Others picked up more... safe habits, like drawing and journaling. But Baseball, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get into anything. He tried going to the hotel, but always was stopped by Mepad before he was caught. He didn't know exactly know how knife got out. He did want something to do, but there was nothing he could think about besides... Nickel.

      Every time he tried to relax, sleep, or sit down, all he could think about was Nickel. He was so worried about Nickel everyday. Is he okay? Are people in the hotel treating him good? How is the hotel? Nickel meant more to him than any other person ever has, and he doesn't want that to change.

          It was early in the morning when they were immensely upset by the loud buzzing. Baseball grunted before getting up. Knife was already sitting up, putting on a black zip-up jacket he "bought" although everyone knows it was someone's in the hotel, but no one knew who. "Damn, Baseball you look like shit." He says, smiling a little but clearly meaning it seriously. "Yeah, I haven't been able to sleep so i haven't got any, but i try." He says, trying to make light of his clearly crippling mental state.

    "How many days has this been going on?" Knife says. This time he sounds... actually concerned. "Oh, um just like...18, or wait 19 days?" Baseball says, trying to put a smile on his face. Knife looks shocked. "Dude, you need some sleep. Seriously. You look horrible." He says, in his normal tone again.

     They both proceed to walk out to the field, running into lightbulb and suitcase after leaving their tent.

      When they get to the field, they see toilet and Mepad, looking slightly disappointed. They stood in uncomfortable silence for many seconds before lightbulb broke it with her bubbly voice, light and soft through the thick air. "So.. what are we doing here,Mepad?" She says.

    "Well, we've came here to gather all of you to take you all to the hotel, as the show is postponed for the time being." He says, voice monotone and somber. "Please go to your tents to get your belongings, then come to the hotel." Toilet says.

        As they were walking back to the tents, a smile lit up on baseballs face. He finally gets to see Nickel again, and not have to worry about him anymore. Knife looked over to him. "Whats the excitement, Big  guy?" He says. Baseball's face flushes to a wave of pink over his pale white face and freckles. "Oh, um, it's just that... i get to see Nickel again, and don't have to worry anymore."

       Knife looks back over at baseball, smirking slightly. "Why do you care for him so much? He's not really a person with a personality thats likable. No offense." Knife says. "I don't know, actually. Something about me and him just clicked and, it just didn't like that with anyone else." Baseball says. Smiling. Knife looks up again. "I get it, i felt the same way about pickle." He says.

     Once they get to the tents, Knife grabs a pack of energy drinks, his grey leather jacket with patches and marks on it, and his bookbag. Baseball, on the other side of the tent, grabs his letterman jacket, a white hoodie which he puts on instead, his beanie, and a picture from season one of him and Nickel.

        Him and Knife walk together to the hotel, and knock on the door. "Hey Knife, Baseball! Come in!" A annoyingly happy OJ says. As Knife and Baseball walk in, the whole hotel goes silent for a minute, before and explosion of voices and people. Baseball is standing over in a corner, talking to knife, who seems to be watching the door persistently.

      Then, pickle comes through the door and runs to knife. He runs into knifes arms, and they're both smiling. Thats when it clicked to Baseball. Knife and pickle, running into each other's arms, waiting for the other. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what they have between them.

      After the initial welcome party, which in time lightbulb and suitcase joined in, Baseball whispered to knife. "Knife, can i talk to you for a sec?" Baseball says. Knife rolls his eyes before coming over to the corner that Baseball was standing in.

    "What?" Knife says. Baseball looks embarassed before asking his question. "Are you and pickle, yknow together?" Baseball says. Knife turns his face away. "I didnt think it was obvious, but yeah, we are.. kinda." Knife says,his face red and smiling. Baseball looks even more embarrassed before asking the next question. "But- you said me and nickel are like you and pickles friendship. But- what-" Baseball gets cut off by knife. "Thats for you to decide and figure out. But... if you need help.. come find me." He says. "Have you seen nickel?" He says. Thats when the realization hit. Nickel.. wasn't there.

Baseball runs over to OJ. "Hey, um OJ. Quick question, wheres.. nickel?" Baseball says, frantically. OJ looks upset to tell Him. "Well, Mephone wanted to start a new season, and Nickel was one of the returning players he took with him.

Baseball didn't know what to do. He walked up to his room and sprawled his body out onto the bed. He sat there solemnly, his eyes becoming wet and his body acheing. "Its my fault." He thought. He scrunched up his body into a ball on the bed.

Has so many feeling he can't figure out. He though him and knife were so alike because of their friendships, and then knife and pickle ended up being together? Its just.. so confusing.

Baseball turns his head as he sees light reflect through the crack in his door, OJ appearing. Baseball sat up on his bed, putting up his hood over his deep red curly hair. "Hey, you ok?" Oj says. "Oh, yeah im fine, i just, nevermind." Baseball says. "You know, theres a way you can talk to him."


Word count: 1068

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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