Chapter 1

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•Lucifer's POV•

It was 8 in the morning when I woke up due to my alarm clock I got up rubbing my eyes I blink a couple of times so my vision was clear. I got up and I went to the bathroom looking at the mirror.

"Geez.. I look fucking ugly.." I thought to myself as I splash some water on my face freshing my self up as I then decided to take a shower.

-30 mins later-

I finally get out of the shower changing into my clothes and then I brush my hair and my teeth. It was about time Charlie usually wakes up so I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen and starts to make breakfast. After I make breakfast I set the table and then I go to Charlie's room to wake her up for kindergarten.

" sweet apple pie~ time to wake up" I gently shake her waking her up

"Mm.." Charlie groans due to her not wanting to kindergarten but Charlie sits up rubbing her eyes and she gets out of bed I pick her up and bring her to the kitchen and set her down at the table and she starts eating

"Once your done I can help you change and do your hair if you want Charlie" I tell Charlie as I finish eating

"Okay daddy!" she says and she still eats once she's done she gets out of the chair and goes to her room I follow I let her pick out the outfit she wants to wear and I help her change and then I do her hair into 1 long braid and I pick her up as it is now 9 am.

"Alright ready apple pie?" I ask her and look at her

"Mhm!" she says excited to go see her friends so I bring her to the car and strap he into her carseat and I drive her to her school and drop her off. I wave her good bye as I then drive to my job.

•Alastors POV• I finally finish my broadcast as I wanted some flowers to put in my broadcasting studio. So I get in my car and drive to the flower shop I get out of my car going into the shop and l look at some beautiful red flowers. That remind me of my victims blood. I grab the flowers as I look over to the counter I see the florist making a bundle of flowers.

"Hello sir. I would like these flowers how much?." I tell the florist as I take out my wallet

"Oh! These are one dollar" he smiles looking up

"Okay." I give him one dollar as I smile back at him

"Would you like a bag?" he asks

"No thank you. Say. What's your name?" I ask the florist

"Oh! My names Lucifer!" he smiled again

"Nice to meet you Lucifer. Names alastor" I smile back again

"Nice to meet you" he says going back to the bundle of flowers

I think for a moment before taking out a flower leaving one on the counter

Lucifer looks up "hm-? What's this for?" he said raising an eyebrow

"It's for you. Keep it!" I smile before leaving

Lucifer smiles and looking next to the flower realizing I left my wallet there.

•lucifers pov•

I soon realize alastor left his wallet grabbing it running out of the store trying to stop alastor but it was to late so I walk back into the shop soon after was my break. So I go on break opening his wallet looking for his Id I grab it seeing that he lives near so I decided to take the chance at getting fired. I close the shop and get in my car driving to the address hoping he was there. I get out of my car when I get to the address and knock on the door. Soon alastor opens the door

"Hm-? How did you-" he said before I cut him off

"You left your wallet- I looked at your Id for your address.. Sorry-" I said handing him the wallet

"Oh-! Thank you- I didn't even realize I left it" he said smiling

"Your welcome!" I smile back and I then realize he's kinda cute

"You know what. Would you like a cup of tea?" alastor asks

I think to myself for a moment I might get fired but what the hell they don't give us wate so why not

"Sure! I would love some" I say alastor moves out of the way letting me in and we go drink some tea.

To be continued...

Alright sorry this is getting long also I don't feel like making anymore and I lost motivation so don't expect it for a little while unless I get motivation again later today lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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