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Tonight is the night we fight the next Shadows.

" Yamagishi what do you sense ? " Mitsuru-san asked.

" I sense the Shadow in the residential area. "

" Really, Why can't they just come at us all at once ? " Yukari asked.

" Yukari-chan how did you know ? " Fuuka asked, " I sense two Shadows. "

" Ahh Geez me and my big mouth. " Yukari was a bit frustrated.

" Well no matter the numbers, we will come back victorious. " Akihiko-san punched his fist together.

" Everyone let's Go. " I smiled.

So we all left the Dorm together, we walked to the Residential area, that Fuuka talked about and we had to search all around. Oddly enough, Shinjiro and Koro-chan stayed behind with Mitsuru-san.

" I sense them. " Fuuka said, " The Shadows are on the Lower- "

" Ohh Dear me, I will have to stop all of you. " A Voice said from behind us.

We all turned to face the voice that caught our attention.

" They are Persona Users.. "

" Tell me child, what is it that you wish to stop if you got rid of the Darl Hour and Tower of demise. " The topless man asked.

His hair is long, and he has large tattoos on his arms, and be holds a gun. A real gun.

" Tower of Demise ? Tartarus. " I said.

" Yes, don't you think it is beautiful ? " That creepy guy laughed.

" You're insane. " Yukari shouted.

" Insane ? No, rather I have the sanity to appreciate the power given to me. " The topless guy said.

" power ? Persona. "

" Since you are all supposedly here on a righteous mission, I won't stop you from your futile mission then. " They pressed a button.

The doors behind us were closing in, and the Strega two were outside.

" What is the matter ? " Mitsuru-san asked.

" We seem to be locked in, and the Shadow is on lower grounds. " Fuuka informed us.

" Then please hurry, we will come and open the gates. " Mitsuru-san said.

" Haruka, Yukari, Junpei, Makoto. We will head off the Shadow then. " Akihiko-san instructed.

" Roger. " We replied.

" Yamagishi, I need you to keep up the constant scanning, call Lucia out. " Akihiko-san instructed.

" Roger. "

So we began to have our plan set in motion.

Persona 3 - Shiomi RouteWhere stories live. Discover now