Chapter 2 [The Boy Named Abbie]

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Zip pulled me into the art room, and I was immediately hit with a feeling of tranquility. There was something about this place that took away that strange atmosphere that clouded the rest of the school.

"Miss Sasha doesn't like us all that much, so just follow my lead, okay?" Zip turned back to me to see if I was paying attention. To be completely honest, I wasn't.

I assume she just thought I heard her because she began walking down a row of tables until she stopped at one with 4 chairs. Oliver and Edward took their seats, Zip and I doing the same.

"I hate this class." Edward mumbled under his breath while messing with his phone under the table.

Why do they hate this place? This has to be the best looking room out of the ones I've seen so far.

"Good afternoon, everyone." There was a sweet voice emitting from the doorway.

It was Miss Sasha. How is that book floating?

Never mind that, Miss Sasha went to the front of the room to take roll. "Aw, I see we have a new student." She tapped on the clipboard, then scanned the room.

Her eyes finally got to me. "You must be [y/n], right?"

I shook my head.

"Do you go by any nicknames? I want to make sure before we get too far into class."

"Yeah, she goes by dumba—" Oliver was cut off by Edward, who nudged him in the side with his elbow.

I already know it won't be long before I bring my hand across his face. And get a haircut, you have too much hair to be male!

"No nicknames." I said.

Miss Sasha gave me a quick thumbs up before returning her attention to the clipboard.


Class didn't have to go on for me to realize why Miss Sasha couldn't stand these 3. They were very loud and obnoxious, which are 2 things a teacher hates in a student. Not to mention Zip takes it upon herself to argue back with Miss Sasha every now and again.

This is only my first day and I can tell not even I will be able to put up with these guys for much longer. Somewhere deep inside of myself I feel bad, because it seems like Zip really likes me, while Edward is becoming fond of me, but this type of behavior isn't okay.

Miss Sasha gave us all a coloring sheet to finish up, not wanting to give me anything too hard on the first day. I guess I really spared the class of difficult work today.

While coloring, I noticed Oliver taking quick glances at me. I was about to point out his obvious side eyes, but Zip laid her head on my shoulder. Is she seriously falling asleep...?

"Oh, how cute. Anyway..." I tried to move her head, but she wasn't having any of that. She grabbed my hand and laid it on my lap, putting her hand on top. "Can you just—" I tried to move my hand, but she had a strong grip. I sighed, "Okay..."

Edward snickered at us. "I'm definitely taking a picture of this."

That is the last thing I want! I put my free hand up and waved it in front of my face.

"No, don't do that! That's embarrassing!"

"Eh, fine I won't."

I put my hand down with a surprised gasp. "Really?"

Edward's face then curled into a sinister smile. "Nope." He quickly pulled his phone back up and snapped a quick photo before I could react. Zip was already knocked out so she had no care in the world, but I was as red as a cherry.

[Murder Mŷstery]||FPE x fem!readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang