Part 1: Meeting

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You,  a college student were walking down the street of a nearby city that was near your campus, then you ran into a guy with black fluffy hair and green eyes, he glared at you since you just bumped into him, in seconds you heard his deep tone which was honestly a bit flirty, "Are you alright..?" He said, He reached his hand out for a handshake, you decide to shake his hand, "Yeah I am... Sorry for bumping into you.." you said softly, then he replied "I'm Andrew Coffin, and you are?" You're a bit surprised at his sudden manner switch, he went from glaring at you to introducing himself, "I'm Y/N..." You say with a bit more confidence, He smiles softly at you, "I have to go but it was nice meeting you, Mind if we exchange numbers?" Andrew said with a sigh, it seemed like he didn't want to leave, but you nodded and you guys exchanged numbers then headed your separate ways, then you can't stop thinking about him, your face starts turning red and your heartbeat is pounding against your chest, almost jumping out of your chest... You decide to head back to campus and head to your dorm, then you get a text, it's from that cute boy andrew, the text read: "Sorry for leaving so suddenly, My sister needed more for smth, anyway mind if we meet up at the cafe?" You were surprised that he wanted to meet up, let alone that he has a sister who definitely sounds possessive, but you text back: Sounds good.. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Then you start getting ready and head out the door.

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