PART 2: Cafe

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You rush to the cafe as you were a bit late, Then you get to the Cafe and see Andrew's emerald eyes gaze at you from outside the entrance, He smiles softly at you, then you realize your starting to blush and become as red as a tomato! You hide your face and take a few deep breaths to calm down, then you walk over with a warm pink shade on your cheeks, "Heya Y/N.. didn't think you would actually come if I'm being honest." He said with a smirk, his tone was flirtatious, you blushed a little harder but then replied in a quiet voice, "I wasn't going to just bail on you like that.." then Andrew looks at you, his emerald eyes stared into yours, He chuckled softly, "I guess you aren't that bad... I thought you would be more disrespectful if anything." He said through his chuckle, his laugh was adorable, his smile was hot, are you really starting to fall for him? You try to recollect your thoughts as you guy's head in and sit down, he orders a frappe with a donut, then he looks at you, "what are you going to order?" He says in a Respectful manner, you never expected him to be this respectful, but you order a White mocha with a cookie, He looks at you, clearly can't take his eyes off a beautiful person like you, then you look at him as the waitress walks away, and he tries to hide the fact that he was staring at you, "S-Sorry I didn't mean to stare... You're just so gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off you~" he speaks in a more seductive tone, as he winks at you and bites his bottom lip while looking you up and down, you feel your face starting to heat up from how hard you were blushing, You smile softly as the waitress brings your drinks and pastry, you take a bite out of your cookie and there's a bit of crumbs on your face, "Here, let me get those crumbs off you're precious face.." He says while he leans in and wipes your face, "Thank you, the cookies here are just crumbs at this point... That's why I stopped ordering from here." You said with a small laugh, His eyes looked into yours, "I'll make sure to file a complaint... Or more." He said in a menacing tone but you decide to ignore his tone because you were just so in love, After you guys finish talking, you walk out of the cafe, not a care in the world besides thinking about him, but then you hear screams coming from inside the cafe, it sounded painful... You ran away from the cafe and back to campus and to your dorm, then you lay down on your bed and rest your eyes, you had such an eventful day today, who knows what tomorrow will be like...

The coffin of Andy and leyley: Andrew x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now