Chapter 2

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My head  filled with air, my ears disbelieving  and my hands shaking but not from the cold. I don't even know why I I'm so surprised as I knew that every princess like me would be sold like an object to a dirty old men. Meanwhile the boys of the family get a good education, get trained and get to do whatever they like, girls get none of that. Instead, they give us clothes to look like pretty dolls and make us rot in the kitchen and when they turn 17, they marry someone they don't even know and will treat them probably as worse as father within days of notice. but that won't be me and I will not allow that to happen to me.

I dart past the steady waters of ponds that are inhabited by graceful swans and almost trip over blood red roses dusted by the snow. I figure these good for nothing heels wouldn't help much so I frustratedly slip them off and abandon them. My feet burn from the cold but oh, do I feel so free, I am like a bird escaping a cage, My hair dances with the wind but stops when I reach the threshold of the palace. I look back and prepare myself to see if the monster is following me but I am met with the sight of him laughing and pinching the bridge of his nose. Without context, one would believe his smile is warm or kind but with my experience, it means amusement over the stupidity of others. 

I might be stupid but god knows I'm not stupid enough to stay here. I'm lost in thought until father creeps behind and swerves me around . "you have duty to do and you are not here in this palace to stand and do nothing". he says sternly. That's right how could I forget? kitchen work. everyday, my sister and my cousins and I prepare a huge feast in the early afternoon  along with the severely underpaid cooks. My dear sister, Annalise is still quite young, 15 and is yet to face the troubles that are occurring for me now. Everyday I feel an urge to shield her from all of the nastiness in this world no matter what it does to me, I even would rip out my own heart for her. My 3 cousins, Juliette, Tahlia and Gloria and my sister Annalise are the only good things left in this disgusting world and are the only reasons to why I haven't grown sick of living here. One of my cousins, Gloria, is already married and is 19. I am so afraid to go through the horrors that she has ventured through. love is a sentence to hell. A scheme to chain you to someone, a dark an unnecessary thing faked by people and if you get deceived by it, it will sink it's teeth into you like a deranged animal until it is too late. Love is complete utter horse dropping that I constrict myself to feel. No one can be trusted. No one expect Those 4 girls that never prove me otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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