Hated By Life Itself

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(Every space between the lines is a quote, BTW GUYS REQUEST ME SONGS TO DO PLEASE)

"Don't say you want to die
Live on without giving up!"
"...How foolish it is to say songs with lyrics like that are correct."

"In truth, I couldn't care a bit if I died, but I'd be pretty sad if the people around me did
I suppose it's some kind of ego; that goes "because I just wouldn't like it"

"Not caring if strangers live or not
And hating someone else just seems like some kind of fashion now
But "Live peacefully" nevertheless?
What a wonderful thing that would be indeed..."

"Growing old, one day we rot away like fallen leaves with not a soul in the world knowing of our existence..."

"If we're going to end up sad and if that's fine
Then you gotta laugh alone forever"

"On the other side of the screen, someone dies
Lamenting that, someone else sings
Influenced by that, a young boy
Ran off carrying a knife"

"We are hated by life itself
Pushing values and ego, as always, so very simply we broadcast songs about
Wanting to kill somebody else over radio waves"

"I've got no money, and so throughout the day again, I sing songs of praise to indolence"

"Still without grasping the meaning of life, I come to an epiphany that it's pointless and take a breath
Are these wounds really ok to be expressed with words like "I'm lonely"

"Carrying nothing but such obstinacy, today again I sleep alone on my bed"

"Obtaining an immortal body, and living our whole existence without dying...
...I'm just daydreaming about these kinds of science fiction situations"

"I couldn't care a bit if I died
But I'm wanted alive by the people around me"

"We are hated by life itself
Without even grasping the meaning of joy, we just hate the hand life has dealt us
And merely curse our pasts"

"We who simply like the idea of the word "goodbye" a little too much, with no knowledge of a true farewell, are hated by life itself"

"Happiness, farewells, love and friendship;
They're all goods that can be bought for money... within jokes made by comical dreams"

"I might just die tomorrow you know
Everything might just end up being for naught"

"Mornings and nights, spring and autumn
Unchanging, someone dies somewhere
I don't need dreams or even a tomorrow"

"If you'll have lived on then that's all I need
Yeah... That's actually what I want to sing about"

"Hated by life itself
In the end, we'll die anyway"

"You will, I will, one day all of us will rot away like fallen leaves"

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