Chapter 8

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Weeks blurred into months as Y/N and Dong Wook poured their hearts and souls into their app, "Connectr." It wasn't just a name anymore; it was their baby, a testament to their late-night coding sessions fueled by questionable takeout and a shared dream.

The beta launch was a nerve-wracking rollercoaster. A small army of friends and followers served as their guinea pigs, testing the app's features and leaving reviews that pinged on their phones like anxious butterflies.  As they scrolled through the feedback, a mix of excitement and dread bubbled in Y/N's stomach.

"Dude," she muttered, clutching Dong Wook's arm so hard his knuckles turned white. "What if it sucks?"

Dong Wook, ever the chill dude, squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Nah," he said, his voice a soothing balm. "We put our blood, sweat, and maybe a few tears into this. It'll be alright, no matter what."

His words offered a sliver of comfort, but the wait felt like an eternity. Finally, notifications started buzzing – reviews were trickling in!  A mix of positive and constructive criticism filled the screen. People loved the focus on shared interests and the ditching of the fake, picture-perfect stuff. But a few folks pointed out some kinks and suggested tweaking the algorithm for better matches.

Relief and a surge of "we did it!" washed over Y/N. "See?" she exclaimed, practically vibrating with excitement. "They like it! We can fix those bugs, Dong Wook. Easy peasy."

Dong Wook mirrored her grin, his eyes sparkling with the same mix of relief and "mission accomplished" energy. Over the next few weeks, they became bug-squashing ninjas, addressing the user feedback with laser focus. Late nights morphed into early mornings again, but this time, the exhaustion was laced with a thrilling sense of progress.

As they toiled away side-by-side, the line between work and personal life started to blur in the most delightful way. Shared takeout boxes became the fuel for their coding marathons, weary sighs melting into comfortable silences that stretched on for ages. Dong Wook, once a stranger to the messy world of social media, found himself enjoying the back-and-forth with Y/N's followers. He'd leave witty comments, even join her on a live stream or two, much to her surprise (and amusement).

One night, as they tackled a particularly tricky coding problem, Y/N found herself completely zoned in on Dong Wook. The furrow in his brow, the way his tongue poked out in concentration – it was strangely endearing. It wasn't just his good looks, although those were undeniable. It was the way he challenged her, the way he believed in their crazy dream, the way his hand brushing hers against the keyboard sent a jolt straight through her.

"Hey," she blurted out, breaking the comfortable silence.

Dong Wook glanced up, his eyes meeting hers. Time seemed to slow down, the room filled with an unspoken tension that crackled like bad wifi.

"We've come a long way, huh?" she continued, her voice barely a whisper.

He nodded slowly, his gaze unwavering. "Yeah, from grumpy comments to… this," he said, gesturing towards the glowing laptop screen.

The air crackled with unspoken emotions. Y/N leaned in a little closer, her heart hammering against her ribs.  Before she could chicken out, she closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a kiss that was hesitant at first, then quickly igniting. It tasted of coffee, exhaustion, and a shared passion that had blossomed into something more.

When they finally pulled away, a goofy grin plastered itself across Y/N's face. "Whoa," she breathed, her cheeks flushed.

Dong Wook chuckled, a deep rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "Yeah," he agreed, his voice husky. "Whoa."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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