The pack cermony

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The great alpha stands up holding a small blade and he begins to say something as he nods his head towards Connor.

The alpha is John Lightsilver he is lily's dad and he is very big man and he has white hair and beard he also had golden brown eyes. "You are not to kill or harm a fellow pack member for no reason, only during training sessions will you be able to fight with another. If this is not followed your rank shall be removed and you shall be cast out from the pack" he says standing up.

The Rows and rows of the pack members are standing on either side of the Alpha in a giant circle. They're all staring at Connor. Some are surprised and in awe, others eye me skeptically. The seats are old dirty mossy wood with copper wiring entwined and. The trees with copper lights and hanging roses the sunlight filtering perfectly through the canopy. This section of the woods truly is transformed with water features beside him as It's somehow even better than he could ever imagined. Roses and plants he can't even name are arranged around the dais to make it seem like it had been there for years.

Connor approaches the alpha. As Connor steps forward, a hush falls over the pack, and all eyes are on him. He takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of nerves and determination.

With unwavering conviction, Connor begins to recite the oath, pledging his loyalty to the alpha and the pack. The words resonate through the air, filling everyone with a sense of unity and purpose. The alpha, impressed by Connor's commitment, raises a ceremonial knife.

As the blade touches Connor's inner palm, a drop of blood falls into a cup. The alpha raises the cup high, symbolizing the bond between them. It's a powerful moment that solidifies Connor's place within the pack.

As Connor's cut begins to heal, a faint glow emanates from the wound. The pack watches in awe as a lightning bolt-shaped tattoo slowly takes form in the exact spot where the cut used to be.

It's a mark of honor and power, a symbol of Connor's unwavering loyalty and connection to the pack. The tattoo shimmers with an electric energy, serving as a constant reminder of his commitment.

It's a transformation that leaves everyone speechless, as Connor stands in the center of the pack, a powerful surge of energy courses through the air. One by one, the pack members undergo a breathtaking transformation. Their bodies morph, bones shifting, muscles expanding, until they stand before Connor as magnificent wolves, their fur glistening in the moonlight. The pack surrounds him, forming a protective circle, their eyes glowing with a mix of respect and admiration.

And then, in perfect harmony, they raise their muzzles to the sky and release a resounding howl that echoes through the night. It's a hauntingly beautiful sound, a symphony of loyalty and unity. The howl carries with it the weight of their shared bond, a testament to the strength of their pack. Connor feels a surge of pride and gratitude as he joins in, his own voice blending seamlessly with the chorus of his packmates.

In that moment, they are one. The howls reach far and wide, reaching the ears of other creatures in the forest, who pause in awe and reverence. It's a powerful display, a declaration of their unwavering loyalty to Connor and their pack. As the howls gradually fade, the pack members return to their human forms, their eyes filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination.

Connor, standing at the center of the pack, feels a surge of power coursing through his veins. As his eyes glow with an intense green light, his body undergoes a remarkable transformation. Fur as dark as the night envelops him, and he becomes a majestic black wolf, radiating an aura of mystery and magic. The pack members watch in awe as Connor's form shifts, their eyes wide with wonder.

With each step he takes, the ground seems to tremble beneath him, and his presence commands attention. His green eyes, glowing like emeralds, hold a depth of knowledge and wisdom beyond his years. The pack members, recognizing the significance of this transformation, bow their heads in reverence. They understand that Connor has become a new pack member.

As the pack revels in their human forms once again, Lily, with a mischievous smile on her face, approaches Connor. She congratulates him on becoming a new member of the pack and whispers in his ear, "Guess what, Connor? I've got a surprise for you!" Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she reveals her plan to throw him a party, a celebration of his initiation into the pack.

Connor's eyes widen with surprise and gratitude. He never expected such a warm welcome and the thought of a party fills him with anticipation. He thanks Lily and the rest of the pack, feeling a deep sense of belonging and camaraderie. It's a moment of joy and unity as they all come together to celebrate this new beginning.

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