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She was everything. From the moment I saw her on that bar stool I knew I wanted her, needed her. Her layered gold necklaces, dainty rings, warm sweater that looked black in the dim lighting, and wide-legged trousers with her black trench coat. Her golden hair swept across her temple to frame her big grey eyes like curtains. Fuck. She was everything and she was nothing like any girl I've ever liked before. She looked down at the bar with a look on her face that made me want to read her mind just to know what she was thinking and when she looked at me I turned weak. Her voice was silk and smooth, from America somewhere no doubt. Her face turned flush when I spoke to her and she avoided my eyes in the most appealing way possible, flicking her gaze back to me and then down to the counter or elsewhere in the room. I could tell I made her nervous but that made her so much more enticing. She was almost intimidating, when you looked at her you were struck with both her beauty and the way she presented herself as on guard and in control, that practically fell when you spoke to her for more than a few seconds, she was so sweet and kind, always offering a small smile. She completely put me off my game. So when she got off her seat saying she saw who she was meeting and walked off, I stood there slightly stunned at our interaction. Snapping out of my trance I got the chips for the table and made my way back to the boys, only to see Charlotte sitting under my bestmate's arm smiling brightly at Nick and Jamie and I fucking panicked. She couldn't be Matt's cousin, not the one he talked about ever since we decided to go to Edinburgh. Fuck, I was just fucking flirting with her! He's going to kill me! But he introduced me to her as his little cousin and I knew I was screwd, there was no way I was ever getting close to her with Matt around.

"Nice to meet you," I told her and she smirked back to me.

"Nice to meet you too," Nick asked if she lived here and she responded with a yes and explained that she went to university here, studying History and Classics. I thought she meant Classics as in literature but she clarified that she meant the ancient Greeks and for some reason that interested me more when it came to her, it wasn't at all what I was expecting from her. Fuck I asked her why she chose history and ancient Greece and the way she spoke about the two made me want to learn everything about it as long as she was the one teaching me. It was a short answer she gave and quickly changed the subject making me think she didn't like talking about herself much, she asked about the band and the boys answered most of the questions and I asked her what her favourite song of ours was. After a bit more conversation-making, Matt asked her something I hadn't even thought to ask.

"So, cous'," Matt started out loudly. We were definitely the loudest table as usual. "Do you got anyone?" She smiled looking away with a laugh and the rest of the boys all laughed.

"Oh, God, Matthew," She said chuckling to herself and for a second I thought she was going to say that she'd found someone that she had a thing with and my heart started slowly sinking. "You know me...," She chuckled again. "I don't have anyone," She shoved Matt's shoulder playfully and I let out a quiet breath of relief.

"Miss independent, are you?" Jamie asked teasingly making us all laugh and she nodded.

"Yeah, Miss Independent, that's me!" She chuckled and I glanced at her with a soft smile and caught her quick glance towards me too. Those glances kept me on my toes all night.

When she went to the bathroom I took it as my opportunity to go have a smoke and clear my head. When I got outside of the pub I took a deep breath and let my mind roam, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag. What the fuck is happening to me. This isn't like me. I don't just go fucking... I don't even know. What the hell has she done to me? I'm fucking hanging off of her every word, fucking admiring everything she did, the way she did everything. God, there was something with me. My first cigarette was finished quickly and as I was lighting myself another, the door to my left opened, and out came Charlotte, breathing heavily with her eyes closed. Before I knew it, I offered her a cigarette and scared the shite out of her. When her hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the edge of the building, I didn't want her to let go. She made me promise not to tell Matt that she smoked which made me laugh, it was funny she had to hide her habit from her older cousin and I'm glad I could help her hide it. In the light that the moon cast on her face she looked like an angel or a siren and her hair looked darker, her eyes shone brighter with the reflection of the moon. In return I asked her not to tell Matt that I flirted with her, knowing full well he'd probably kill me. She started a game between us and by the end of the conversation, after I'd convinced her to give me her number, I knew she had me wrapped around her little finger. We left the pub a half hour after Charlotte left because she had work the next day. On the ride to the bus, I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Piledriver Waltz ☆ Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now