„You'll be missed.."

785 31 9

10th September 2023, California

„Thats the checkered flag. P7. Thats a P7, Rossi" I say to Alexander over the Radio.

„I'm sorry I couldn't get more for you." He answered.

„I'm more then happy." i say smiling.

„Thank you for everything, Violet. I wouldn't be where I am without you. You will be missed but I can't wait to see you achieve your dream." He says over the Radio.

„Stop this, you'll make me cry." I say with watery eyes.

Today is my last day in IndyCar. The last time being Alexanders Head strategist. I will part ways with this beautiful series and with Alexander, who became a close friend by now.

7 Years... and today is the last day..

Alexander brings his car back and immediately makes his way to me. He hung me and lifts me up. As I feel the ground under my feet again we both smile at each other. I can't help it as tears start falling from my eyes. Alexander takes me back in his arms and hugs me tight „You will rock this.".

I look back up to him and smile „I will miss you."

„hey, stop. I'll always be just one phone call away. And when it comes down I'll jump on the next flight." he smiles.

I nod and take a deep breath „Okay c'mon we have one last debrief together.."

We make our way back to the team. I see Pato coming towards us with a huge smile. He hugs me „Sorry we couldn't give you the finish you deserved."

I smile „I'm happy don't you worry"

We walk around the last corner and I see the whole team. As soon as we got there they started cheering. At this point I couldn't hold it back anymore.

Tears fall from my eyes. Happy tears because I have such an amazing team here, but also sad tears because I'll have to leave them behind.

I see Zak Brown coming towards me „Hey what is it with those tears? You regret your decision??" he asks with a concerned look but a smile.

I shake my head „No, absolutely not but these people are so amazing.. I will miss them."

„Oh thank god! I was already panicking. We need you in F1." He gives me a short hug „And I'll make sure you can visit everyone here. We're a family after all."

I smile bright „That's everything I wanted to hear."

The Team and I are now waiting for Felix, it's his last race too. He will switch to Meyer Shank Racing. I know Pato will miss him the most, they are literally best friends. After celebrations and loads of pictures we make our way to one last debrief.

When i had to leave F1 i thought my dream would be over. But instead I found another Family in IndyCar, that ill be forever grateful for. Not only did I get close with the whole team, but also the drivers. Alexander, Pato, Felix and I spend a lot of time off track together. I really hopes our friendship remains like this.

After the last debrief it was time to leave the Paddock for one last time as a Arrow McLaren Team member. Rossi, Pato, Felix and I make our way out together. We planned to head out for some food later.

Members from Andretti, my former Team, also said goodbye to me.

I felt so loved and appreciated here..

.. I can only hope it will be the same in Formula one.

„So tell me V, how nervous are you?" Pato asks as we finished our food order.

„Honestly?" I ask and he nods „I'm shitting my pants."

We all start laughing out loud. I turned to Felix „Ready for a new team?".

He shrugs smiling „Always up for a new Challange."

"Will miss you tho" Pato says and Alexander nods.

"I'm not out of this world guys!" Felix says smiling.

We change the topic and our food arrives quickly after. A few drinks later we make our way back to the hotel.

I sigh „I will miss you boys" I say as I hug them all.

My Plane takes off tomorrow morning to London. Zak wants me to get familiar with the team back at the HQ. „If you don't upgrade your communication skills i will haunt you down. I really want us to stay in contact, alright?"

„I'll be McLaren reserve driver for 2024 so if I'm lucky we might see each other sooner then we like."

„PATO!! Thats amazing!!" I say smiling bright.

He nods with a wide smile „It is. So don't worry you won't get rid of us that easily"

We all say goodbye and I return to my room. I have to leave to the airport in 5 hours, luckily I packed all my stuff already. But my body betrays me. I can't fall asleep, my mind is racing.

7 Years..

I haven't seen him in 7 years...

Now it's only a matter of time until we cross paths again.

God I hate him so much.

I don't want to see him again..


I'm so motivated to get this story startedddd!!!

Let me know what you think!

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