That First Thought of the Day

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    'BEEP! BEEP! BEEEEEEEP!' Ugh. Rolling over, I hit snooze on the alarm clock. "Five more minutes." I think. Rolling back on my side, I adjust the pillows and fall back asleep. 'BEEP! BEEP! BEEEEEP! Reaching my hand over, I turn the alarm off and roll over and sit up. Looking at the clock, I see the time read 6:45 and I scramble out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I start the shower and adjust the temperature til it's just right. Closing the curtain, I head back to my bedroom and grab my phone for some music while showering. I take a piss and shed my clothes. Looking into the mirror quickly, I check myself out. Long, golden blond hair drapes my face. Cerulean blue eyes with flecks of green and gold. And porcelain cut cheek bones flittered with freckles all over my face. Moving my eyes downward, I notice the scar on my right shoulder from the brake in middle school football. Moving further down to my rip cage, I glance at my only tattoo, a single black bird sitting on a tree. I think about the day I got it. The pain of the needle, the sound of the gun, the smell of the ink as it pierced my skin, and the reason I got it. Her. Everly Madison. Even her name seems sweet, but don't let it fool you. She is icier than a glacier, and cuts sharper than glass with every look. With her silvery grey eyes, and flowing curly, fiery red hair, one gaze and she pierces your soul. And she knows it. Her fiery demeanor is necessary for the fact that she only stands at a whopping 5'3. And her curves, oh boy do those curves drive me wild. With plump, juicy tits, and a bigger than average stomach, and the thickest, huggable birthing hips. Don't even get me started on that ass on her. It makes all the guys stare endlessly. That ass is constantly on my mind. Seeing the steam begin to rise from the shower, I stop my endless Everly thought train and hop in the shower. Lathering my hair in shampoo, then conditioner, I wash my body and get out. I wrap the towel around my waste, grab my phone and head back into my room to my closet. I pull out a white T-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans and a pair of boxers. I slowly put my clothes on as my thoughts roam back to Everly. How her hair is always in a messy knot on the top of her head and yet she is still stunning. Pulling my T-shirt on, I walk to my dresser for some socks and head downstairs for some breakfast. Half way down, I hear the sizzle of bacon cooking on the stove. " Good morning Mom. How was the night shift at the hospital?" " Not bad, not bad. Colins asked if you could babysit Corey again on Friday. Her babysitter canceled last minute and has no one else to watch her." My mom, Tracey, asked. " Of course mom, anything to help out Colins. She is sweet, and she always makes the most incredible cookies! I don't know what she puts in those things, but they're addictive. I swear I gain 5 pounds every time I babysit." " She just wants to makes sure you keep coming back when she needs." My mom laughed. Her eyes crinkle and close every time she laughs. I know most guess don't notice their mothers' features, but I do. My mom is beautiful.  I don't mean "wow"she's prettyI mean she has always been a looker. When she was in high school, she was valedictorian as well as homecoming and prom queen. She owned high school as the "IT" girl. Number one on the social food chain. She had all A's and also worked a full time job. I strive hard to have the same ethic in life. It's a goal I do not take lightly. She always made everyone feel welcome and included and so do I. She was president of student council and Key Club and so am I. She was captain of the varsity cheerleading and volleyball squads. I am captain of the varsity football, baseball and soccer teams. I always feel like I have to prove myself to be her son. It's a lot of pressure sometimes. " Of course I will always help out mom. I like Corey, she is a ball of energy. And her little laugh is infectious. Sounds like little a fairy bell." I chuckle at the memory of little Corey running around the backyard at her house last Friday giggling like crazy. She played on the swing set for an hour and a half before I could convince her to go inside for lunch and her nap. "Thanks sweetheart. I appreciate the effort. And I know Colins does." Mom finishes up the last piece of bacon as I sit down and see a whole spread on the island. French toast, cut strawberries, whipped cream, chocolate chips, bacon,sausage, and eggs. " Mom, what's the spread for? Is Dad coming home this morning?" I ask hopeful that Dad might be back in time tonight for my senior night for baseball. " No, but he will be back in time for your game tonight. He wouldn't miss tonight, you know that." " I know, I just hoped I would see him before school. His trip went so long this time."' I pile my plate full of everything and start to chow down. " Chew your food Moxx. Or you'll choke like in kindergarten." I slow down, but only slightly as I notice the time again, reading 7:13 am. Finishing my last bite as I stand, plate in hand, I walk to the sink and place the dirty dishes in. " 'Kay mom, gotta go to school, I'll see you later." I walk over to her and kiss the side of her head. Walking to the front door, I grab my shoes and my leather jacket and head to living room to put them on. ' Blueberry Fuego' starts to play from my pocket. I pull it out as I slide on my last shoe and hit answer. My best friend Mason's voice comes out the speaker. " Hey Bro, where you at? I heard we're car pooling this morning." " I am tying my shoe, grabbing my keys and I'm out the door. What's up?" " I was wondering if we had time to get coffee this morning? Miley has been up my ass since this morning about forgetting to get her coffee at the store last night." Miley is Mason's younger sister. She is a freshman and a royal pain in Mason's ass, but she is sweet to everyone else. Sisters. " Yeah bro. No problem. I am headed to my car now, I should be there in 5."  I get up off the couch, throw on my jacket and grab my keys from the bowl next to the door. Opening the door, I yell bye to my mom one more time and close the door behind me. Heading to my 2023 Dodge Challenger in slender black matte, I open the door and slide right into the drivers seat and start the engine. I put her in reverse, and peel out of the driveway.  I get down the road and make a right on Sunnydale and a left on Hawthorne and drive another two minutes down the road and pull into Mason's driveway. The siblings are sitting on the front porch waiting for me as I park. They get in and Miley starts in on Mason " Well maybe if I would have had coffee already this morning, I wouldn't be such a bitch, would I Mase? Hi Moxx, How has your morning been?" She asked. " I've had a better morning than you apparently Miles. I will take us for coffee on one condition." I say to Miley while looking at her in the review mirror. " Oh, yeah? What's that?" She asked cautiously. No drive through today and you're buying. You know my usual, right?" I look in the mirror to see if Miley is going to object, but instead she nods her head and says, " Yes I know your order and I'll pay for you, it not for Mason. He pays for himself since apparently, coffee isn't all that important." She looks to Mason on my right, and he just rolls his eyes. " Whatever Miles, as long as we can hurry up. You know I can't be late today." I reverse out of the drive way, and make my way to the coffee shop. Pulling into the parking lot, I park next to the door as Miley opens her door to get out. " Extra 2 shots for me today, Miles, I'm gonna need it for your brother's attitude." I yell out my rolled down window while looking at Mason. " Fuck you too, bro. I just wanted to get out of the store with my sanity intact last night. You try shopping with a list Miley makes. It's like shopping for a teenage toddler. It's ridiculous." He rolls his eyes again and looks out the window. I look out mine towards the road. The bell above the coffee shop door tings and I look down to see who is leaving. It's Miley with all our drinks. " I paid for you anyway Mase and I'm keeping the cash for lunch today with the girls." Miley says to Mason through the window as she hands me the cup holders full of our coffees. I hand Mase his cup and hand Miley back hers. I take mine out of the holder, lift it up to take a drink, as the bell on the door tings again. I look over to see who walks out, and my breath catches. It's her. Everly. She is wearing her classic leather jacket, but underneath it, she is wearing a cropped band T-shirt all cut up, and skin tight black skinny jeans. And she always wears her studded leather boots. Her hair was pulled up in its normal messy bun, and she pulled her sunglasses off her head and put them on her face. God, she is stunning. I try to look away, but she looks over, and catches me staring. I look down at my coffee for a split second, only to look back up at her. She is still looking at me, but with a smirk on her face. She lifts her sunglasses back up, just high enough to wink at me, then to put them back on and turn around and walk away. I look in my rear view mirror and put my car in reverse and leave the parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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