The basement (CW: THEMES OF NEGLECT)

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Kansas wakes up a few hours later to find himself inside the cold and dark basement. "Ugh...ow...where am i..?" Kansas groaned. He was in a cold, dark basement and didn't even know how many hours went by, "..Uh..hello..?" He tries to get up but gets hit with a sharp pain in his knee. "YOUCHHH!" He cries and whimpers, trying to move, and then he gets another sharp pain in his arm."AUGHHHHAHAHUHH!" he cried. "WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE?!" he screamed. He screamed. He shouted and cried, yet nobody heard him. He crawled on the ground to try and find some food, he did, but it wasn't much, it was just some water, cookies, and crackers, and some fruit punch, all in a small fridge. He was at least slightly relieved that there was some food. Although, he'd be down there for 4 weeks, which means he was stuck down there for a whole month.

Week 1: Kansas tries to limit how much he eats, so he has something to eat when he's hungry or something to drink when he's thirsty. The states don't know that Kansas is inside the basement, the cold, dark basement.

Week 2: Some states started to wonder where Kansas was, "Hey, have you guys seen Kansas? He's been gone for 2 weeks now.." said Nebraska. "I'm starting to get worried about my best friend... " "Why would you worry about him, Nebraska? Wasn't he mean to you and others?" said MX. "Well, everyone has a chance to be forgiven, right?" says Nebraska. "Not everyone.." said MX.

Week 3: Now some states are now getting concerned about Kansas' wearabouts. "Where is Kansas.. I'm getting really worried now.." said Nebraska. "Now that you say it, it has been 3 weeks since the last time we've seen him..." said North Dakota.

Week 4: Now, the states are trying to look for Kansas, DC was also in the search for Kansas and found the key to the basement. DC unlocked the door to the basement and heard a weak voice. "..hello..?" said Kansas, now malnourished and injured. "Kansas, is  that you?" said Ohio. "....yes...please..get me outta hear, everything hurts..." groaned Kansas. Ohio walks down the stairs and lifts Kansas' arms. "Ouchh!" cried Kansas. I broke my left arm! "What?? How in the hell did that happen?" said Ohio. "...the last thing I can remember was Marlenox, and then me falling..." and I can't really move my leg either..."Oh dear!, we must get you to the hospital asap!" said Ohio. All the states ended up walking to the nearest hospital on foot. They went through the door and waited for someone to take him. A doctor came in and examined Kansas. "Hey, doc! the poor guy broke his arm! Please help him, it's an emergency!!" New Jersey shouted. The doctor took Kansas to the ER and did surgery to fix his left arm. Now, Kansas was in the recovery room waiting to be discharged. All the states went back home by a taxi, only to find MX waiting for them at home, with a creepy expression on his face. "Where the fuck is Kansas?" They hissed. "He's at the hospital. He's injured, and looks extremely malnourished, and-" right before Vermont could continue explaining where Kansas was, MX shouted "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU LITTLE FUCKERS KNOW THAT I KICKED THAT RED ASSHOLE DOWN THE BASEMENT?!" They screamed,"YOU DID WHAT?!" screamed New Mexico, "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FAKE [racial slur targeted towards Mexicans] screams MX, he kicks New Mexico to the ground. "OH MY GOD, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" screamed Wisconsin. "YOU WERN'T SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT," MX screamed. He drags the rest of the states into the house and sets them up for one the worst time of their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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