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Belle POV

I get up in the bed and turn to Damon.

I get up and pick up and throw on my pink lace under garments. They were tight which squeezed my body. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone is,not even caring I was half naked.

"Um Belle...?"Bekah gestures to my choice of clothing.

"What?"I look down and pout whilst holding my tea mug.

"Uh you're half naked..."Stefan trails off awkwardly.

"And you're a perv."I state.

I go to grab the honey from the top counter and when I cant get it I start jumping up and down. I finally give up and climb on the counter,opening the cupboard and snatching the honey.

Damon comes down and takes the honey from my hands,pouring the rest in his coffee.

"Aw fuck you!"I cried,punching his chest,causing him to stumble backwards.

I went upstairs and got dressed into maroon sweatshirt with snowflakes on it,black ripped skinny jeans,black knee high combat boots,and a maroon beanie. I grab the twins and put them in their double car seat.

"IM GOING TO THE GRIILLL!!!"I call out and as a response Klaus jogs in.

"I'm coming."He states.

I shrug and prance out to the car.

"So what's with you and Kol?"He asks me suddenly.

"His darkness was consuming my purity. He would have destroyed the bond. Plus he's a cocky dick wad."I rolled my eyes.

"So who are you with now?"He asks.

"Nobody."I pulled over in the woods and turned to look at him.

"So who do you like?"He smirks.

"Damon. No,it's not you you cocky bastard."I scoffed.

"I thought I was a sexy English bastard."He pouts.

"Not anymore."I smirk.

"You suck."He grinned.

"You swallow."I retorted.

I reached in the back and grabbed the now crying twins,handing Minnie to Klaus and taking Katniss in my own arms.

"Fix it."I ordered him.

We both began to shush and coo and feed and burp and change the children until they stopped crying and when I blinked they looked different.

They now had brown hair and blue eyes rather than blonde hair and brown eyes and were toddlers.

"What the fuck?"The swear word slipped out of my mouth and Minnie pouted.

"Mummy you said a bad word."She shook her finger at me.

"Yeah mumma why did you say a bad word?"Words spilled from Katniss.

"I'm sorry babies mommy didn't mean to swear."I grinned at them.

"Mommy can we get ice cream?"Minnie pronounced ice cream 'owscream'.

I nodded and buckled them in the back,driving to the grill.

"Oi Nik can you call or text everyone to meet us at the grill?"I asked sweetly.

"Of course."He responded,whipping out his cell phone.

I drove there and I gently placed my children on my hips,walking in.

Klaus and I sat at a booth and ordered drinks while Damon,Elena,Caroline,and Stefan made their way over.

"The others couldn't make it."Stefan stated sitting across from Damon who was next to me.

"Oh that's alright! Just a quick announcement. Mother Nature had told me that since Damon and I now share a bond that my children would have their blood swapped so they are in fact Damon's. They changed in the car."I smiled at Damon.

"So they look different. Okay."Damon agreed.

"Well I'm bored and I'm thinking of going out somewhere. Any takers?"I inquired.

"I could use some new clothes."Caroline shrugged.

"You live in the attic because there is more room for your clothes."Damon stated.

"Hey,I'm a vampire. If I'm gonna live forever I might as well have enough clothes to last that long."She grumbled.

"Alright we'll go shopping then. Let's go"I said,moving to grab the kids.

"Can I watch them?!"Stefan and Bonnie asked at the same time.

I raised an eyebrow and handed them each a twin.

Caroline and I hopped in my car and I started driving out of Mystic Falls.

"Where are we going..?"She asked,straightening her spine in the seat and inching towards the door.

"Relax,Care. I'm heading out to a mall with a bigger variety."I rolled my eyes,"Just because I'm an original doesn't mean I wanna kill you."

When we got to the mall I went into a store called Rainbow which had basic clothing items of all shades and colors.

I bought a few dresses and shoes and after that Caroline and I went to Victoria's Secret where we helped each other pick out lingerie. We both ended up shopping and buying things until our arms were full. We put the bags in the trunk and headed to some smaller less expensive stores. We once again bought tons of things and put them in the car,driving back home.

"Hey Belle when is your birthday?"She asked.

"December 19th."I said simply.

"That's tomorrow! We have to have a party!"She cried with excitement clear in her voice.

"Whatever. We should go to the salon."I said,changing route to go to the salon.

We went there and I got my hair back to blonde. Caroline got her hair neon orange-ish pink with waves instead of curls. Afterwards she insisted on shopping for clothes to party so I went to an expensive small boutique.

We looked around for a while and I found a few things but she put together a full outfit for me in which I would wear to the party. It was a white see through flowy three quarter sleeve length crop top and some high waisted black booty shorts and white low cut converse. It was simple but I thought it was cute so I got it. After a long day of shopping we finally went back to the boarding house.

We all sat down and I guess it was question Belle day because they were just sucking up my past like leaches.

"Hey didn't you say you were related to Elena? How does that work?"Caroline questioned.

I tensed and stuttered,"I-I uh I um..It's a long story."

"We have time."Bonnie chirped.

"One of my sisters was a doppelganger."I choked out.

"What?! Which one?!"Elena asked excitedly.

"Katerina Petrova."The name rolled off my tongue smoothly and I almost cried.

"What?! How?!"Elena exclaimed.

"My mother was a witch so she used herbs and such to stay alive. My mother used dark magic to keep my father alive and what I didn't know was that he was part of the Petrova bloodline somehow. My mom and dad did the freaky and Katherine happened. They gave her away to some Bulgarian family after she was born and soon after my mother was killed by a werewolf. Melinda Petrova is my twin."I briefly explained.
Shout out to you if you remember Melinda Petrova. Let's hope this makes sense. I'm making it december because Christmas OK don't judge me.

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