Chapter 1

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"Aang, hurry! The fireworks are starting soon!" Katara yelled to her boyfriend. "Coming Katara!" The couple held hands as they scurried past the crowd of people. Passing countless food stalls, Katara and Aang ran toward the crowd of people all wanting to see the once in a year firework show. The Itsa firework show. Kaboom! Zoom! Swish! Thousands of sparks flew through the air, locking themselves in people's memories forever. The two heroes in particular. 

"Weren't those fireworks amazing?" Katara exclaimed, as they stepped inside their living room, greeting the gang. "Sure was. Suki and I had a great time." Sokka greeted back. Aang flopped on the couch, wrapping Katara in his arms. Katara happily agreed, squeezing her body closer to Aang's. They both blushed, as Sokka and Suki smirked. 

"So, moving on from your love lives, shouldn't we discuss the uprising tension in the Fire Nation? Zuko and Mai are working day and night to ease the conflict, and here you guys are, being lovey dovey." Toph announced, throwing a scroll on the couch. Aang and Katara looked at each other. Toph did have a point. "Alright Toph. Let's discuss it after I read this message from Zuko." Aang surrendered, picking up the scroll Toph threw. Aang's eyes widened. 

Aang. How are you? Sorry to reach out so suddenly, but this is urgent. Lately, we've gotten lots of threats from what seem like groups of rebels. It's probably nothing serious, but it's better to be safe then sorry. These threats all seem to be leading us to one possibility. Another war. That is, if these threats are for real. We can discuss this topic once you come visit the Fire Nation. For now, be on your toes. If these people are trying to start a war, you guys may be a target. 

After showing them the mesage, Sokka sighed, plopping back down to the couch. "Looks like we're going to have to head to the Fire Nation again." Everyone in the room nodded, accepting the fact that they were Team Avatar, it was their responsibility to keep peace in the remaining nations. "Let's talk more about it tomorrow. It's been a long day, and all of us should get some rest" Katara said. "Okay, sounds good to me" Sokka exclaimed, jumping up and carrying Suki to their room. "Eek! Where are you taking me Sokka?" Suki laughed, as they made their way to their room. Toph tried her best attempt to roll her eyes. "Good night Twinkle Toes, Sugar Queen." "Good night Toph" The couple responded, heading towards their room.

"Phew. It's been such a long day. I can;t wait to get some sleep." Aang said, pulling Katara to him, as he lied down in their bed. Katara smiled at her boyfriend and replied, "Me too." Her expression then grew serious. "Do you really think that there will be another war?" Aang looked at the waterbender. "Of course not. Zuko is the Fire Lord now. He'd never do that." "I know he wouldn't, but what if there are rebels or other people that aren't happy with the current situation?  And since you're the Avatar, the burden would be on you." Katara explained, her voice grew into a concerned tone. Aang was surprised at how worried she was. After all, there was no evidence that the threats pointing towards another war was real. Nevertheless, she was worried, and he was her boyfriend. The person she could rely on. Aang kissed her forehead. "Don't worry Katara. I'll be fine, and so will the rest of the nations. Even if there were rebels or anyone else not happy with the situation, we'll stop them. We always do." Aang reassured his waterbender girlfriend with a smile. Katara smiled back. "Okay. Thanks Aang." 

It was a full moon that night. Yue was watching over them. She watched the girl sprint across the yard. Her shadow shined brightly under the moonlight. She was confident she could complete her mission. After all, she's never failed at anything. At least, not until this. 


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