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"Tommy." Tubbo shook the Airbender awake, "Tommy we gotta get to the city."

Tommy huffed, "it's so early..."

"Well yeah." Tubbo smiled softly, "we're the furthest village from Wolf Cove. It'll take all day on arctic camel."

Tommy groaned, but sat up, "okay okay."

Tubbo nodded, handing Tommy some breakfast. Soon the two were bundled up, or at least Tubbo was. Tommy insisted he was fine in his air nomad clothes.

"It's an old air bending trick." Tommy told Rona, "it's how we stay warm gliding in the air."

"Are you sure you won't take a coat?" Rona insisted, "just to be safe?"

Tommy smiled gently, "okay."

And then Tommy and Tubbo were off. The journey would have only taken half a day, if it weren't for Tubbo spotting some otter penguins.

"Hold on!" Tubbo pulled the reins back.

"What? What!?" Tommy yelped, almost falling off the camel.

"Otter penguin!" Tubbo pointed to an animal with four flippers and an adorable face.

"And?" Tommy asked as Tubbo jumped down.

"Let's go penguin sledding!" Tubbo said.

"But don't we have to get to the city before our charter leaves?" Tommy said, floating down off the camels back.

"We have plenty of time!" Tubbo told him, "look, it'll be really quick, please?"

Tommy rolled his eyes, "fine. What do we do?"

"Yes!" Tubbo cheered, "here take this fish, and when one gets close, jump on its back!"

"And it won't hurt the otter penguin?" Tommy asked as he was handed a small fish.

"Nah, they're tough." Tubbo said, "come on!"

Honestly, it was a lot harder than Tubbo said. The otter penguins didn't seem interested in him at all, rather flocking to Tubbo. Tommy stomped his foot. It shouldn't be this hard! He was the Avatar after all! Wasn't he supposed to have an animal companion!?

"Here," Tubbo said after a while, "approach slowly... Now jump!"

Tommy leaped on ones back. The otter penguin squealed, then flopped on its belly and started skiing down the slope. A short while later, Tubbo caught up with him, laughing all the way down.

"This is amazing!" Tommy shouted.

"I know!" Tubbo shouted back.

Tommy looked ahead and felt his stomach drop. They were headed straight for an ice ravine. Tubbo seemed to notice it too, muttering oh no over and over again. The two boys tried to steer their penguins away, but it was no use. The ravine was getting closer and closer. At the last minute, Tommy stood up on the penguins back and lifted a sheet of ice, curving it back away from the ravine. The penguins hit the curve, and safely slowed to a stop mere feet away from the edge.

"What the fuck was that!?" Tubbo gasped, clambering off his penguin.

"I'm sorry!" Tommy shouted, near tears, "I panicked! I don't know what to do!"

"Tommy..." Tubbo stood up on shakey legs, "are you... Are you the Avatar?"

Tommy nodded.

"Why didn't you say so!?" Tubbo asked, taking a step closer.

Tommy took a step back, and Tubbo froze, "no one is supposed to know."

"But you're the Avatar!" Tubbo insisted, "you're supposed to keep peace in the world. Why, out of all the time since the Avatar has been missing, would you not want anyone to know?"

"My dad." Tommy said, "he said is was dangerous. That people would want to capture me, use me. The real reason we moved to the Southern Air Temple is so no one could fine me."

"But then the earth kingdom attacked." Tubbo sighed, "Tommy, the world needs the Avatar now more than ever. And you're almost eighteen. Have you even started training with the other elements?"

Tommy shook his head, "no. To do that I would have to expose myself as the Avatar. My dad wouldn't allow it."

Tubbo shook his head, "then it's settled."

"What's settled?" Tommy asked.

"I'm going to be your waterbending master." Tubbo grinned, "and we're going to Republic City together!"

Tommy and Tubbo made it to the dock right as the boat was about to leave. Both were out of breath, the guards not letting their arctic camel into the main city, leaving them no choice but to run. But the two got on board and quickly found their room.

"I never want to run that far again..." Tubbo groaned, collapsing on the bed.

"Me neither." Tommy limped over to his bed using his staff, "at least we get a week of rest before we make it to Chin."

Tubbo giggled, "did you know you'll be the third Avatar to visit that town?"

"Really?" Tommy smiled, sitting up.

"Yeah!" Tubbo rolled over to face him, "first was Avatar Kyoshi, she defeated the guy the town was named after and made Kyoshi Island. Then hundreds of years later, Avatar Aang went there during the Fire Nation War. Its said that Kyoshi spoke through Aang and admitted killing Chin the Conquer!"

Tommy rubbed his throat, "I hope none of my past lives confess any crimes through me..."

"I think you'll be fine." Tubbo stretched out in his bed, "anyway, I'm tired. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Tubbo." Tommy muttered.

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