Hiding the Evidence

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The next day at school, you stood in front of your locker trying to get ahold of Wendy and Bebe.

Y/N🎀: If any of you guys have like, foundation or something- PLEASE, I am desperate.

Wendy🌸: Is everything alright? I think Bebe might carry makeup on her, I'm not sure though..

Bebe💋: I don't know if we'd be the same shade, but you never ask for makeup. What's up, Y/N?

Y/N🎀: I desperately need to hide a hickey before Tweek and Craig fucking kill me.

Bebe💋: Bitch WHAT THE FUCK !?! UM I'm missing out on a STORY!

Y/N🎀: I swear I will explain everything later, I just need help!

Wendy🌸: Meet us in the girls bathroom!

Before you could look up from your phone, a familiar arm pushed by you which shown the symbols from the High School's letterman jacket. Oh god... not now. "What's up babe, I've missed you." Clyde's voice rang through your ears as you looked up from your phone now, and straight into his eyes.

"Clyde right now's not a good time..." You tried to quickly escape from Clyde, but he placed his other arm on the other side of your head now, pinning your back against the lockers. Your eyes went wide in shock, as he had gotten closer, narrowing his eyes at you.

"Y/N..." Clyde noticed a dark spot on your neck, and on your collarbone. Was that... Teeth marks?! "Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?!" His eyes went wide now, as he watched your own eyes go wide. You were caught. He was going to fucking tell Craig and Tweek for sure. "You can't do this to me, Y/N those aren't mine. I want some answers, I'll kick their ass!"

"Clyde holy shit." You quickly ducked under his arm that blocked you from making an easier escape, but you were determined to get the hell out of there. You sprinted as fast as you could, with your History textbook in your right arm, heading straight for the girls bathroom.

"Y/N I swear to god, get back here!" Clyde shouted out at you, chasing behind you and he was getting close real quick. Why on earth did the dude have to be in baseball and run fast? Shit, this wasn't going to end well, was it? "Who the fuck was it?!" His voice traveled quick through the hallways.

This caught the attention of many students walking through the hallways, and of course Team fucking Stan had to be walking where you both were sprinting through. Clyde had gripped onto your wrist to try and slow you down to talk to him. You were absolutely not having any of this, and quickly turned, throwing your textbook as hard as you could at him. You almost tripped, but were able to regain your balance and continued to sprint off to the girls bathroom as Clyde had to deal with whatever injury he had from your textbook now, and... you ran off without that book, too.

Clyde was stunned by the book, and even fell backwards on his ass. The book fell onto his lap as a quick bruise formed on his cheek. Cartman immediately began to laugh at the guy, as he tried recovering from a textbook to the face. He groaned to himself as he placed a hand against his cheek, and shaking his head. Cartman pointed a finger at Clyde, and even felt tears burning his eyes from getting hurt in the most hilarious way possible (well, hilarious to him, at least).

"The fuck did you do to her this time?" Stan deadpanned at Clyde as he reached out and held his hand out, offering to help the boy get up. He yanked Clyde off the floor when his hand was grabbed, and saw the bruise forming on his cheek.

"What did I do?!" Clyde spoke defensively, and took a step back after he was standing normally now. "I didn't do shit to her, I just wanted some goddamn answers." He gritted his teeth together, and dusted off his lettermans jacket. "Fuck this. I need to find Craig." He grumbled to himself, before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking off.

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now