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It was extermination day but the landscape of hell was all but quiet today. Today the angels attacked the Hazbin hotel with the intent to harm and hurt any residents staying there. The only issue? The angels were losing. Badly. Lucifer had shown up just in time to save his daughter, and here he was, fighting Adam. The first human and human soul to be brought into heaven. He got startled as he heard Charlies screaming and teleported right there. With her in his arms, he softly let her down. "Seriously, how many of you freaks do I have to fight?!" The other yelled. "Oh You mess with my daughter and now Im going to fuck you!"


Lucifer had managed to get Adam worked up enough; he was letting his guard down just enough to show his weaknesses clearly. He seemed really defensive about his backside and that caught Lucifer's attention. "like you ca-" He cut Adam off. And there you go, within just a minute or two, Lucifer had Adam on the ground, stomach first.

"Get the hell off of me!" Adam said angrily. Squirming under the weight of the male sitting on his back.

"Why should I, hm? After all, aren't you just a big, strong angel? You had no worries coming here for a fight, so what's the issue now, hm?" Lucifer asked with a grin as he looked at his nails while holding Adam down.

"Fuck, get the hell off of me, damn it!" Adam groaned with annoyance, wondering why the hell he couldn't get Lucifer off of him when he was much smaller than himself.

"You know, you should watch your tone. You're the one who came here, remember?" Lucifer said as he rolled his eyes, scanning over Adam's form with his eyes as he looked for any possible weaknesses. He saw none. "Why are you so worried about being held down anyways, hm? Something you don't want me to find out or something?" Lucifer asked with a slight smirk.

"I, uh, no! Get the fuck off you fucking piece of-" As Adam continued to ramble on, Lucifer just kind of sat there in silence, not really listening to anything he had to say. But he did happen to notice something when he asked Adam about why he was worried.

Adam's wings both twitched strangely when he asked. It was a subtle twitch, but it was noticeable. As Adam continued to talk, Lucifer slowly traced one of his hands up Adam's side and moved it over top of one of his wings. His fingers gently got between a few of the feathers as he gave a gentle stroke. A surprised gasp sounded from Adam.

"W-what the fuck?" Adam said aloud, not sure why Lucifer was touching his wings. He thought for sure he would have never thought of doing that. "Don't fucking do that." Adam said defensively.

"Aha, so that's what makes you tick, is it Adam?" Lucifer asked with a fanged grin. He thought it was hilarious that Adam reacted to his wing being touched, and he gently moved his other hand to Adam's other wing as he moved to actually be straddling Adam's back. Both of his hands gently stroking, and massaging Adam's golden wings. "That's hilarious. So you do have a sensitive side, do you?"

"Stop fucking touching them you fucking piece of shit, they aren't used to physical contact.." Adam shuddered, his hands clenched into fists as he clenched his jaw shut. Seeming like he wanted to say more but remained silent.

"Ah, so then they have something in common with you, how fascinating." Lucifer chuckled as he caressed his wings with a bit more roughness to his touch.

"I-I told you not to..." Adam couldn't finish what he was trying to say as a quiet whimper escaped his lips.

"What was that?" Lucifer asked with a surprised tone. He didn't realize they were THAT sensitive to Adam. Instead of stopping though he smiled and leaned over top of the male more. His gentle hands caressed the gold-colored feathers with more vigor. "Oh come on, don't tell me you really can't handle a little touching..After all of the terrible things you've done, this is what you cave to? Seriously?.."

"F-fuck you.. F–fucking asshole.." Adam managed to get out between clenched teeth. His wings gently pulsed in Lucifer's hands, causing his face to be filled with an embarrassed golden blush. He let out a soft moan, arching his back lightly as his wings spread out more, giving him more access for his wings to be touched. "p-please.." Adam pleaded weakly, in a weakened state he had absolutely never been in before.

"Oh, what was that? I'm sorry, I thought I heard you begging me for mercy after killing thousands of my people.." Lucifer's hands suddenly grasped Adam's wings in a way that caused Adam to whimper pathetically. "Maybe you've forgotten..but you're in my house you little bitch.." Lucifer whispered to him, but still, he did not hurt him. His hands gently released Adam's wings from the tight grasp he had them in and returned to the gentle caresses and strokes.

Adam couldn't speak, he had his eyes clenched shut as his hands grasped at the ground, his nails digging into the ground as he whined. He felt so embarrassed and couldn't do anything about it besides sit there and take it. His wings throbbing from the attention they were getting. "F–fuck.." Adam whispered, feeling like he could barely take it anymore.

He started basically preening his wings, softly finding the noises from the other quiet amusing. "n-ngh" Adam moaned out, he blushed and arched his back. His wings were spread out and very sensitive. Lucifer started stroking them gently. " P-please.. stop" Adam cried out begging for mercy. He began to sob quietly.

Lucifer hummed, deciding that perhaps Adam had learned his lesson for now. Slowly, he pulled his hands back from Adam's soft wings, leaving the poor things alone. He listened to how Adam's rampant breathing carefully eased back to normal as he smiled contently. He had reached his goal of making Adam absolutely pathetic and at his mercy, and he was fine with that. He finally got up and allowed the angel to get back up. He wiped the tears from the sensitive angel away, proud. He fixed his sleeves from where they had been rolled up and he dusted off his suit. Giving a triumphant smirk to Adam as he walked passed him. Knowing he wouldnt pull anything else on him after that encounter.

Adam shakily got up, not expecting any of what just happened to happen. As Lucifer walked away from him yet turned to face him from afar, he knew Lucifer was just making sure he was going to leave Hell. Adam turned away from the king of hell, muttering, "fucking bitch.." and then his wings helped him to fly up into the air. The angel flying towards the large portal in the sky. Adam was returning back to Heaven shaken up, and with many new feelings running through him at once.

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