Lars Winkelbauer- A sustainable approach to air freight

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The global supply chain is significantly impacted upon by the air cargo industry. The air freight system helps connect numerous countries and their businesses across the globe. It provides a method of cargo transport that is both fast and efficient. This field has seen quite a significant development over the years. But this development has also resulted in a lot of environmental impacts.

Impact on the environment

A significant part of the carbon emissions across the globe come from the air cargo industry. Making use of the airways forms an important part of world trade. Thus, it is important that something be done.

discusses that things such as the emissions from the burning of fuels used in carrying out the various activities involved with logistics can lead to an overall increase in temperature, environmental pollution, impact wildlife and disrupt the balance of nature.

It is not wrong to simply state that the effect that the air cargo industry has on the environment is far beyond some mere numbers. It leads to alteration of the health of the planet and its inhabitants and degrades the quality of resources.

Eco-friendly practices

Consumers are now better aware of the various things that matter to them. It is a result of this that various air cargo companies are actively involved in making up for the emissions and investing in eco-friendly practices.

Making Eco-friendly aircraft

· These aircraft, in fact, lower emissions while maintaining efficiency and functionality. This can lead to making operations more ecologically helpful.

· These happen to be efficient systems that make use of less fuel. Similarly, the emissions from these devices happen to be less harmful to the environment.

· These devices are made in a way such that they provide high aerodynamic functionality.

· These have less weight and make use of cutting-edge technology.

· If less fuel is used and the device makes use of an efficient engine, the carbon footprint generator for every kilogram of the cargo transported greatly sees a reduction.

· These devices also have a better navigation system. This allows the aircraft to have an optimized flight path, which can further reduce the requirement for fuel.

Making use of these aircraft can help reduce air traffic. Help in making the trips all the more efficient and time-friendly. The last decade has witnessed various prototypes of efficient aircraft being put to the test. Features such as the usage of less fuel, faster operation, and fewer emissions are some of the major factors that are being focused upon when it comes to the sustainable approach of cargo aircraft.


The air cargo industry is investing in a greener and sustainable future. Research is also expanding into the development of sustainable aviation fuels. All of these factors together account for an overall improved approach towards making the air cargo industry all the more sustainable. Gather more information about such topics in .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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