;; ONE

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Every time the thought of that sweet girl resurfaced in her brain, Lorelai couldn't help but remember the dream they once shared. A small coffee shop, a wide stage, dim lighting and sultry music. 

Jaehee Kang and Lorelai Amano met  in the tenth grade, bonding over silly musicals and similar backstories. Both being orphaned at a young age, they felt no one understood the two except themselves. Jaehee became career oriented, landed a job keeping her safe and afloat on payment, while Lorelai went for the stars and became a musician. Now the two barely see each other, but their thoughts aren't that far apart. 


The soft, but apparent rays of sunlight leaked through Lorelai Amano's windowsill as she lay, bare on her silk bedsheets. Similar to the last three mornings, thoughts flooded the girls mind before she had a chance to grapple her feelings. 

'Another dream..'

'Where is she..'

'Not again..'

'The cafe.."

Laying still, Lorelai succumbs to the urge and lets herself dream about the girl she missed. Jaehee Kang. How she ached to hear her voice, it sounded like warmth, something soft made to be admired. She thought again, how easy it would be to go and see her, to have her back. To see her everyday. Lorelai also hadn't thought of how to deal with the fact she bought them a venue to build their cafe. It wasn't a fancy place, but charming, with a wide stage and barista's fantasy kitchen. Jaehee had no clue about this purchase, of course, but how would she? Lorelai was too anxious to tell her. 

'What if she thinks it's silly?'

'Why am I pining over a teenage dream..'

'She'd never go with me..'

The two never knew each other romantically, but the tension lingered in the air like a sweet perfume you'd rather consume than dismiss. Immediately after high school, Jaehee entered the work force. Under a man who treated.. treats her like a dog. She couldn't blame the girl, what else do you do when your parents die? Lorelai had her own way of coping with things, anyways, and that was music. Something about the spontaneity, the air of it all. Sure, it wasn't consistent at first, but after time it became so. She played at parties, for rich folks charity events, at underground clubs every now and again. She felt comfortable in getting where she was now all on her own, and looking good while doing it. Lorelai wishes, once again, Jaehee was doing it all with her. 

Finally taking in a breath of fresh air, Lorelai faced her head away from the ceiling and braced to get up. She was adorned in nude and red thigh highs from the night before, and a small delicate bralette. After getting home from a gig at three am, there wasn't much left in her system. Rethinking her schedule, the girl knew she had nothing to do today. There weren't many days like that anymore, and it left a pang in her chest urging her to drive thirty minutes to her semi crush's workplace. To tell this crush about her dream, about acting on their dream, about living their dream. 

'I wonder how Jaehee is.. right about now..'


Jaehee Kang, sat idly at her desk, overlooking papers and crunching numbers since early that morning. Earlier than anyone, including her boss, had woken up. It always seemed that way. That she put in, so much consistently, for so little in return. The only time she hadn't felt that way, was.. well.. with Lorelai. Lorelai Amano, the girl who stole Jaehee's heart. Basically saved her, really. Who took her crushed, numb heart and made it work, made it feel something other than anguish and discontent. There wasn't a day that passed by where Jaehee didn't think about her, and how foolish she felt for never pursuing more. 

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 // 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now