The Stars Can Talk

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The sky full of stars seamed dead and cold
A place once so magical now hurt to behold
The night sky dreamed of a world much better
Then the world were living in right now

They wanted to spread their love to the hurt people
Of this world and hold each of them close to them
They watch every night everything unfurl in our world
It seems we are hurt widespread across the globe

All we need is a light from up above
A star filled wit a little love and gold
One for every hurt and tender soul
What a wonderful sight to light up the night

Anything to put a bright light to our troubled world
A world that use to be so bright with happiness
Is now cloudy and overcast with sadness
The stars and moon cry with us at night

They see the scars across our world
And just want to send some healing glow
To just get the love to passionately flow
To show they do actually listen and watch

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