The Winter Ball (TLOU x Miller!male reader)

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Most of the people of the Jackson community could be found in the church.The Winter ball was to be placed this day.M/N Miller aka Tommy and Maria Millers son was sitting at a small bar in the church.He was drinking whiskey.Next to him was Jesse.He was his patrol partner for most of the time.M/N was watching the people dance to the music.One person caught his sight.It was Dina.He was jealous of her,because she was always flirting with Ellie."Hey M/N,hey Jesse."M/N turned to his left and there stood Ellie."Hey El.What took you so long?"M/N asked her."I just had to talk to Maria for a bit."The music ended.Dina then walked towards Ellie."Hi."She said to Ellie with a smile on her face.M/N sighed and rolled his eyes."Care for a dance Ellie?"Ellie smiled at her and took her hand.They then walked to the dance floor."Aww man."M/N said."Don't worry man.You will have better luck next time."Jesse told him."Right."M/N looked at Ellie and Dina.They were talking to Seth."This is a family event."Was all he heard.He walked towards them."Great another loud mouthed d*ke."The fuck did you say to them?"M/N yelled at him.He then raised his fist and punched Seth into his nose.He fell to the floor.M/N started punching him more,but Maria,his mother,stopped him."Calm down M/N!What are you doing?"She dragged him away.M/N examined his hand.There was blood on it.His breath started to shake and a tear rolled down his cheek."Fuck."He whispered."Seth was taken away by Tommy."I'm sorry.I didn't mean to!"M/N stuttered."It's alright son."Maria wrapped her hands around him and gave him a hug."Let's just go for a little walk."She suggested.M/N nodded his head and followed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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