7/1/15 UI

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I know that no one ever reads these... I sure don't. I've decided to just go ahead and tell you guys about my absence.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating much. I have big plans for this story, and I don't attend on ending it soon. I've been busy reading fanfics and forgot about my own story....yeah, I know. Stupid.

I'm not going to make an "update schedule" because I know I'll never live up to it. (Same with me and making goals......that was funny.....I hope you're laughing......haha...) so just expect a random update. I will state so when te book is completed....and its most likely gonna be on chapter 207. Kidding.

If you guys have any questions at all feel free to send me a message or comment. I've been thinking about showing you guys on how I picture the characters to look like....although that'll ruin your image of them. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I've noticed my story became pretty popular!!! So kioodos (or however you spell it) to me.

I'm now at 193 words so I'll stop.

Have a happy 4th of July, babes.

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