003. possessive

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where are you?

im in the library why

didn't i just remind you yesterday to tell me where you're going

but i thought you knew that me n the group study together on wednesdays

i don't care
tell me where you're at or we break up

jesus christ mattheo
stop being so possesive

im being possessive?
well i didn't know that keeping you safe was being possessive

hogwarts is like the safest place i could be
and if i were to apparate elsewhere
i'll be with the group

i don't appreciate how close you are with draco theo and blaise

i literally grew up with them

yes but they're getting older and hornier
they might take advantage of you

mattheo are you being serious?

i've never been more serious

look i trust those three more than any other guy in this entire school
i know that they would absolutely never do that
because we've literally known each other since
we were 0 years old
and the chances of them doing so are literally zero

you're saying you trust theodore nott more than me?

well who did i share a hospital room as a newborn with?

this is so ridiculous
i'm your boyfriend
he's some random guy

theo is not a random guy

i don't like how you're defending him

he's saved me emotionally and mentally so many times
we've been dating a month and i feel like nothing's happened

nothing happened?
have you ever thought that you're the problem maybe?
you're always like
no i can't do this
no i don't feel comfortable

all you want is sex mattheo.
that's why you wanted a girlfriend
i told you my schedule
you continued to plan dates on days im not available
the other days, you're busy
everything in this relationship revolves around you, mattheo

if you think i only want sex,
you don't know me enough
you hardly know me

when was the last time i had an opportunity to sit down and talk to you
get to know you
in person?

you're always busy after classes
probably with another guy

are you serious mattheo?
im free on monday thursday and the weekend
what about you
you've never told me anything about your schedule
hell i don't even know what classes you take

why do you need to know all that about me?

if we're gonna have a healthy relationship,
i need to know about you
i need to know what you do that makes you constantly so busy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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