A Teaser For a New Adventure

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Picture a beautiful hill in spring.. everything's sunny and blossoms ^^

Mixy: Almost— AT THE TOP!! (She climbed to the top with Poppy and Lee following with her) whoaaa.. (She suddenly saw the beautiful springy view)

Poppy: It's.. beautiful— 

Lee: It really is :)

Poppy: What should we do now??

Mixy: I guess rest up here :) think of the new adventures we'll have now we're a huge family :) and a huge matter to the world (She chuckled)

Poppy: Yup.. (GASP!) WHERES BRANCH??

Mixy: You mean your boyfriend?

Poppy: YES!!

Mixy: Youuuu also mean the guy who's currently fast asleep on my back?

Poppy: OF COURSE I- wait WHA??

(Mixy turned to a specific angle so both girls could see.. he did fall asleep on her back)

Lee: Aww- How is he staying on-

Mixy: Baby carrier 🤷 

Poppy: Okay that's strange- but also SO CUTE! But what happened??

Mixy: He got tired so I offered a quick nap on my back :)

Lee: You know that we could've stopped right?

Mixy: Ah- Im just realizing... Well we're already here!! ^^

 Poppy: Fair (she sat down letting her body lean on the tree)

(Lee did the same)

Mixy: You want your boyfriend now??

Poppy: Heh- yeaaaa >:]

(Mixy carefully unstrapped the carrier letting poppy take him and place branch on her lap. Then she sat next to Lee letting her head fall on her shoulder)

Lee: You know I love you right? :)

Mixy: And I love you so much! :D 

(Lee gave her a small forehead kiss)

Mixy: Yaaaayyyy ^^

Poppy: You guys are so cute! 

Lee: Thanks :D I just hope people won't judge.. You know??

Poppy: Yea but Pop Village is so kind!! I know many of pride couples. 

Mixy: That's so cool :D

(Then she yawned)

Mixy: Hm- I guess I'm tired..

Lee: You can rest on my shoulder if you want :)

Mixy: Actually ^^ (she laid her head on her lap) Are you comfy with this?? 

Lee: Hm.. Very~ (She stroked her hair softly)

(Then Mixy was fast asleep too)

Poppy: Well there she goes 

(They both chuckled)

Poppy: Anyways.. I wonder what crazy adventures we'll have- you know since we're celestials..

Lee: Yeah- we'll have to wait and see..

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