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Minor Family House

Venice came back from his office after a long tiring day. Today he finalized a deal with his new client from the architectural firm. Even being the heir of minor family....he didnt leave his passion for architecture. He wants to enjoy his job atleast for few more years before he takes up the position of the leader.

He entered the living room and put his keys and his helmet in his place.

He put his bag aside and started stretching as he walked to the kitchen. He took out a soda from the fridge. With one sip...he felt refreshed.

He was drinking peacefully as he walked to the floor above to his room.

As he reached the first floor and was walking to second he saw a person from his peripheral vision. He peeked in the living hall of the first floor to see who it is.

When he saw the person a beautiful smile appeared on his face.

He went to the couch and sat beside the person who made him so happy. He pecked his cheek and gave a tight hug.

"My baby seems to be in a good mood today!!"

"Because I have the cutest pa in the world!!" Venice kissed his pa again.

Pete gave a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Venice noticed it instantly.

"Pa!! Is everything alright!??" He asked worried.

Pete gave him a soft look with no expression. He turned his eyes back to the album in his lap.

The album filled with his husband. Vegas.

Venice eyes followed Pete's. He saw his pa carefully caressing his dad's pictures.

"Why are you sitting here with this album!??" Venice asked.

"why!?? Can't I look at my husbands pictures!??" pete asked looking at Venice.

Venice is confused.

He can see love in those eyes.....but there is something else.....he couldn't put a finger to it. His pa looks sad....or....something more.

"You can pa. But......Why do you look Sad!?? Did dad do something?!?"

Pete gave a small smile and shook his head. His eyes not leaving his husband picture or his hands not stopping caressing them.

" are scaring me. Please tell me......what happened!??" Venice asked holding his pa's hand.

Pete looked at his kid. His little baby who seems to be like he was born yesterday. But he is Already 25 years old.

Pete turned to Venice completely and softly caresses his face.

"You look exactly like your dad!!"

"I know. You have said it millions of times!!"

Pete softly chuckled.

He took the album and opened the first page. He pointed to the first picture and said.

"You know ven........this is the first picture I took of your father!!"

Ven stared at it and nodded.

"He was about 22 I guess. Very handsome. Like you are now. Maybe even more than you!!" Pete said with a smile.

Venice sighed.

"I know you love your husband so much. But don't forget I am your baby. You should love me more!!"

Pete shook his head with a chuckle.

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