My Safe Space

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"HOW DARE YOU SELL ME TO YOUR FRIENDS....YOU BASTARD!????" He hit the unconscious man one more time.




He kept hitting him again and again.

His tears kept flowing from all the built up anger and pain for years.

Finally coming out all in one go.

2 hours ago...

Sky came back to his room after a hectic day at work. It's already 11 pm by the time he came back to his condo. He just needs a good sleep for tonight. Lucky or unlucky today p'pai had to attend an important event so he can't come back to sky's condo to flirt with him.

Just remembering him made Sky happy and angry. Pai has been flirting with Sky for over an year now. Their first Meet was a night to remember.

Rain dragged him to an illegal race to introduce to his hot boyfriend. There he left Sky alone for his boyfriend which resulted in bodyguards to misunderstand him. Pai saved him that night but they ended up curled in Pai's mansion that night.

His entire body trembled when he got to know Pai is the mafia boss of Main family. Since then he avoided Pai as much as he can. But even being a mafia boss...Pai is the most thick skinned man he ever saw in life. He has been flirting with Sky for an year now. Sky is still on the edge. He loves the time with Pai but still fears commitment after his ex.

Every night after a long shower, he would lay on his bed for a good sleep. But Pai enters his condo unannounced and cuddle him to sleep. Sky waits for that cuddles every night.

Like today.....he laid on the bed but couldn't sleep. He wonders if Pai is going to come back to his condo.

He kept tossing and turning for an hour.

Knock knock

He jumped from the bed with a smile.

"P'pai is here!!" He squealed in happiness.

He ran to the door jumping. But he calmed down and acted like he is uninterested like he does everytime.

He straightened his posture and cleared his Throat.

He opened the door and was ready to yell.

"P'pai...I told you not to....!!"

But his words struck when he saw the man infront of him.

His hand fell and his feet shook.

"My are getting sexier by the day sky.....!!" Gun said with a smirk.


"Hearing my name from your mouth is bringing back memories baby.....remember how you used to scream my name every night....!!" Gun whispered the last words.

"!!" Sky mumbled as he stepped backwards.

"Hahahahaha!!" Gun gave an evil laugh as he closed the door and opened his shirt.

He pushed sky on the bed and hovered over him.

Sky pushed and hit him with all his might. Gun tore his shirt. Sky held on to it with everything he can.

Finally when Gun tried to open his's mind froze.

His surroundings went blur. He could see the evil laugh of Gun infront of his eyes. But couldn't hear it. He closed his eyes in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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