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Your pov:
(Third person view)
You were new at this school. It was only your second day and already you're getting hit on by guys and bullied by girls because they're jealous of how pretty you look. There's this one guy that helps you get used to the school. He showed you around the school on the first day, he helps you if you need help with homework. And apparently he's one of the most popular guys at school. He doesn't act like those typical popular guy jerks at your old school. He's sweet and caring. On the first day of school he let you hang out with him and his friends.

You finally make it to school. You walk through the gates when you hear someone call your name. " (y/n)!" You turn around and see junkook running up to you with his friends following from behind. " hi guys!" You say as you smile. You guys all go to class. You're all in the same class which is a good thing because without them you would even get bullied in class by the stupid cake face girls. They bully you because you're friends with junkook and his friends. They don't dare to attack you in front of junkook and his friends because they have crushes on all of them. That's why they attack you after class, when jungkook and his friends rush to a nearby noodle shop to get food.
(Your view)
I don't tell jungkook about how the stupid cake face girls attack me after class because i don't want any drama or anything so i keep quiet about them. Plus it's funny when they try to threaten me and when they hit me it feels like ants are punching me. The only way they affect me is when they spill juice on me. When they do that it pisses me off so bad that i wanna just punch their gremlin faces but i hold back my temptation. Because when they walk away i just trip them and they land on some of the drink. You would think that they would attack me but they're too worried about their outfits so they run into the toilets and wash themselves off. I go to other toilets because i don't want to see what their faces look like without makeup. Even makeup couldn't fix their face so imagine their faces without makeup. It was easy to clean off the stains because the drink hardly hit me. Even a 3 year old can aim better than them.

After i clean myself i catch up with junkook and the rest. I see them at a nearby noodle shop. I sit down on the only free seat which is between jin and junkook. I look at the bowl of noodles in front me. It's my favourite flavour! "Hey, um, who bought the noodles?" I ask curious of who chose the noodles for me. "Oh i did." Jungkook says as he turns to look at me. "Why don't you like it? I can buy you another one." "No, it's not that. It's my favourite flavour!" You quickly answer.
"Oh i'm glad to hear that." Junkook says with a relieved smile.

(Third person view)
You guys walk to your next class. The rest of the day was pretty normal and boring.

~3 months later~

Jungkook's pov
It's been 3 months ever since i became friends with (y/n) and i think i have feelings for her. I don't want to tell her because i don't want to ruin our friendship. I don't know if she feels the same way. My other friends keep telling me to go for it and confess to her.

"Hello? Jungkook?". I hear (y/n)'s voice. I see her waving her hands in front of me. Then i realise that the whole time i was thinking , i was staring at her. I jump back and quickly look down at my shoes and rub the back of my neck while apologising to her. I hear my other friends laughing and i hear (y/n) giggling. I think i have melted. Whenever i hear her laugh or giggle it makes my heart flutter. The bell rings and the teacher comes in to start the class. I wasn't listening to the teacher. Instead i was thinking about how i would ask (y/n) out. I decided that i would ask her out today after school.

~After School~

Your pov:
Jungkook asked me to meet him at this bench after school. Now that i'm here. What now? I see jungkook running up to me. "Sorry that i'm late (y/n)" junkook says in between every breath. "It's fine" i reply "but why did you ask me to come here?". Jungkook suddenly stands up straight and starts looking nervous. "Will you go out with me" jungkook quickly says. "Sorry i couldn't understand you. Can you speak a little slower?" I ask. "W-will you g-go out with m-me?" He stutters. I am speechless right now. Did i hear that right? Jungkook suddenly looks sad. "You don't have to if you don't w-" "Of course i will!" You cut him off. "Really?!" He asks surprised. "Yes! I've been waiting for you to ask!" I say excitedly. I've had a crush on him ever since i came to this school. We hug each other. The others come out from behind and cheer. We all went back to jungkook's house and ate pizza.

~2 months later~

Jungkook's pov:
I wake to find my head on (y/n)'s lap. It looks like she's sleeping. I slowly get up off her so that i don't wake her up. She's sleeping in a sitting position with her head tilted to the side. I get cleaned up and I carry her upstairs bridal style to our room. We sleep on the same bed. I gently lay her down on the bed. I kiss her lips. Then she kissed back. I was shocked. I thought she was asleep. I blushed. "Morning" i whisper. "Morning" she says back and looks up at me. She's so cute. "Do you want me to make breakfast?" She asks me. "No it's okay. I'll make it today. You go and brush your teeth." "Thank you Kookie." She smiles and kisses me. I go downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast. After i finish i put the breakfast in plates. I hear (y/n) coming down the stairs. I went to get some milk from the fridge when i feel someone hug me from behind. It was (y/n). I turn around and hug her back. She lets go and goes to the table to eat. I go to the table with two glasses of milk. "Kookie, why didn't you tell me that you were good at cooking?!" She asks in a surprised expression. "Well, you never asked." I reply. We continued eating breakfast. After breakfast we went to the dance studio to meet with the other 'members'. After school the guys and i made a group. We became quite popular. We practiced dancing for our next song while (y/n) encourages us. Well mostly me.

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