Chapter Eight (Finnick)

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I don't really remember being pulled out of the arena, all I remember are the echoes of "Finnick Odair, winner of the 65th Hunger Games!" They filled my head, and all I could think was life had changed.



When I woke up I was startled, mind still in the arena. I didn't relax until I saw Mags, sitting in a chair by my bed, reading. My body felt wonderful, no aches and pains, and all my wounds were gone. 

Mags looked up and a huge smiled stretched on her face. She leaned forwards, not moving to quickly so as to avoid startling me, and wrapped her arms around my body. "Your awake Finnick." 

I gently pushed her away, "Yes, how long was I out for?" 

Her eyes twinkled mischievously, "Fifty years." 

I panicked and bolted upright, fifty years? "What no, wait there's no way, thats impossible." Mags laughed softly, "No, not really silly, you were out less than a day, your interview is in a few hours, the doctors were able to erase all of the scars but the one of your bicep." I nodded distracted by the interviews.

Mag's face went serious, "Finnick, the interviews. You have to be careful. The Capitol is dangerous to Victors, to the ones Victors love." I nodded again.

Three hours later, I was dressed in a sleek black three-piece suit, my hair was styled to appear windswept, and I looked older. Caesar introduced me to the audience with flair, "Finnick Odair, youngest ever Victor, your Capitol Darling, and the winner of the 65th Hunger Games, everybody!"

I put on the smile Candy made me practice in the mirror, arrogant, handsome, victorious. The cheering swept over me like a wave and Caesar enthusiastically pumped my hand up and down in his.

My Games video soon started playing and we watched a video of my first kill, "How did it feel when you killed your first tribute?" I flashed a smile that had women and a few men swooning, "It felt right, I have been training for this my entire life, actually putting it into practice felt like I was doing the right thing."

We slowly made our way through the rest of the video, stopping occasionally for questions, finally when the interview was about finished we watched the clip of my killing of Amanda. I shivered when I saw it, my face was cold, calculated. 

"So, Finnick," Caesar began, his expression serious, "How did you feel when you killed the last tribute, knowing she was the sibling of your best friend?"

My heart clenched and I thought my words through carefully, they would be watching this back in the Districts so I had to be careful. "It was a difficult moment." I kept my face clear, my voice calm and emotionless. "But in the arena, there can only be one winner. I would do it again without any hesitation."

The audience erupted in cheer and applause and my ears rang from the sound. President Snow stepped forward to present me with the Victors crown. "Congratulations Finnick." His tone was cold, icy, it made me shiver. "It has been a while since a tribute as handsome as you has won. I am sure the Capitol will enjoy you thoroughly." 

I didn't know what to say to that so I smiled, "Thank you." What did he mean 'enjoy'? I wanted to scream, but I didn't, like a good little victor I smiled at the camera, bid the audience and Caesar good night, and woke up screaming from nightmares when I tried to sleep.


The next morning, we were on our way back from District Four, I had looked so bedraggled from lack of sleep that Candy had screamed when she saw me. I was ordered to drink a cup of coffee and some makeup was applied under my eyes. When the train slowly slid to a stop and the doors opened my home greeted me with loud cheers. 

The smell of salt on the breeze made a genuine smile creep up on my face and I waved at the crowds, the cameras snapped up my grins. My mother and father were waiting for me at the end of the platform and I ran towards them, hugging  my mother so hard I lifted her off the ground, both she and my dad were sobbing, my dad put his arms around both of us and hugged us tight. 

My mother couldn't stop touching me, hugging me, kissing my cheeks, ruffling my hair. I saw Melody and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arenza were watching me with dull looks, pain filling their faces. Melody was glaring at me, so hateful that it stole the smile from my face. Her hands were bandaged, though with how hard she was clenching her hands I wouldn't be surprised if blood now stained the white cotton.

The cameras flashed reminding me of my duty and I fixed another smile on my face, this one was a bit more wobbly than the first, but it performed its duty. 

Over the next several months we settled into the house I won and I routinely woke up screaming from nightmares, the first few times my mother and father barged into my room worried. After that it became such a regular occurance that it stopped waking them up. My Victory Tour passed in a flash of speech cards and glaring crowds. I was given a job at the Academy and asked to train the younger boys in trident tactics. 

Over the next few years a lot happened and nothing happened. I saw Melody, she grew older and more beautiful but she was cold, broken. Every night she trained at the Academy until she could beat everyone, the trainers, the students, the Victors. She could wield any weapon and she was deadly. 

They had Amanda's funeral and I heard it was beautiful, Melody sang a song that reduced the audience to tears. When I turned sixteen I was introduced to the prostitution deal and I became close friends with Haymitch and a bottle of vodka. Cashmere and Gloss won the next two games. 

When Melody was eighteen and I nineteen I did something stupid. I blew off a client, I was currently in Snow's office.

Snow was smiling cruel at me and I felt sweat drip from my neck. "I think the appropriate punishment should fall on a loved one of yours. I heard Melody sings so pretty." My fear dissipated, anger replacing it, "Leave her alone, please President Snow, she did nothing. Leave her." 

I knew I reacted exactly as he wanted me to when his smile grew colder, "Yes, I like that idea very much. The reaping is tomorrow, is it not? And you are to be a mentor, correct?" I didn't say a thing, didn't move a muscle. All I could do was pray. "Yes I like that idea very much." He nodded towards the guards, "Take him away." They grabbed my arms and I thrashed in their hold. "Leave her alone. Snow! Leave her alone!" He waved at me smiling happily as my yells faded the more they dragged me away from him.

Melody was going into the arena.

And it was my fault.

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