The disappointment of love

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"Mason! Hell no! I'm not gonna let you marry mason! I'm using my power as a royal! You can't have him" I yelled as my father, sister and mother talked. "Wait...what? You can't do that! I get to choose! He can't do that, right momma?" My sister yelled back at me as she looked at our mother. My father nodded at me indicating that he allowed my power as a royal to be used. My sister starts to cry and whine, trying to guilt-trip our mother into taking her side but since our father has most of not all in every last day and is a very traditional man he doesn't budge on his decisions. Our father snapped at her to shut up, then he took my hand and said something I didn't expect from him, "do you like him? I don't mind if you do, I'm just wondering". I froze in place; I didn't know what to say back to him at that moment. It would be tough to explain to my family that I was gay and I knew that but I basically just outed myself in the worst possible way.
I cleared my throat then I said "he's a good friend of mine and I Uhm yeah...I like him, he's funny and sweet and he deserves better than my sister". My father looked at me then opened his arms to me for a hug. I'm such a daddy's boy so I practically jumped into his arms. He hugged me tightly and was whispering in my ear that he accepted me full-heartedly even though he was traditional. He released me from the hug and said "with the power invested in me. Melissa, your sister isn't allowed to date or marry . . . What was the boy's name? Oh right mason, it's in Matt's rights. He gets a vote." After Melissa heard that she broke down in tears and screamed at our father, then she stormed away to her room. Our mother walked up to our father and slapped him across the face, I gasped as I watched her strike him. A guard, James, came into the room after he heard the commotion. Father banished our mother, Nancy, to the dungeon for a few nights. The guard dragged her out of the room and put her into one of the cells in the dungeon. Our father then walked me out of the room and told me to go have some fun and that he'd deal with my sister. I found my way out of the room and over to Mason. who had been standing off to the side. I looked at him with glittering eyes and said "so... that dance looked painful" he looked over at me, clearly uncomfortable but he nodded. and pulling him onto the cleared dance floor. I felt bad that he had to go through such a tough time with my sister. I grabbed his hand and I walked over to the dance floor with him in toe. I signaled the maids to play a song that's good for slow dancing. "Can't help falling in love" started to play, i gave the maids a look then i danced with him. I let him lead me, as we danced to the song. After our dance, I walked out of the manor with mason and sat on a bench. We watched as a couple walked by, that gave us a look then they said something along the lines of "your kid's cute" then they walked off. Both me and mason looked at each other confused then looked around us and both of our pairs of eyes landed on a very small 5 ish year old child sitting on the ground in front of us. We'd been so focused on each other that we didn't notice when the kid walked up to us then sat down. I stood up and picked the kid up then I placed him on my lap.

665 words

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