Under the Arch

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Settling into life at home again with each passing day, the home smelled different than when you left two months ago. Life with Rach back in the UK felt like the honeymoon phase had started all over again. She came home with flowers every other day and barely left your side, soaking up every last drop of you until the season started again. The days were counting down fast before you both had to go back to work and as you gazed at your girlfriend from across the room you couldn't believe everything that had happened since meeting her. "Why you looking at me like that?" Rachel asked as she looked up from stroking Dexi and caught your gaze "you've got a silly look in your eyes". Blushing as you looked away, caught out in your day dream that had your eyes fixated on your woman. "Just finding it hard to believe this is real life, that's all darlin" standing up to walk over to her, interlocking your fingers around the back of her neck. "I've been thinking.." Rach started to propose something before you cut her off by telling her not to hurt herself, after chuckling at your remark she continued "we should move closer to your family, find our forever home". Tightening her clasp around your waist to bring you closer to her, gently holding her forehead against yours "You deserve a home that ours baby, not just mine" she said softly, her eyes slowly tracing your features. Sinking into her warm smile, the admiration of each other beamed brightly off you both as your head nodded gently with acceptance.

You spent the rest of the day curled up on the sofa with Dexi while flicking through house websites, carefully considering everything you both wanted from your first home together, settling for a quaint and quiet town in the middle of your family's city and Birmingham. After a while you felt Rachel zone out, no longer responding to your comments about houses and floated off into her own little world. As she fiddled mindlessly with your fingers you could sense something was on her mind and noticing her distant stare towards the iPad made you worry. Sliding off the sofa to flick the kettle on broke her out of her trance as she followed your body to the kitchen with her eyes. Leaning over the back of the sofa to watch you prepare two cups of tea, "you know.. we don't have to move if you don't want to?" you suggested while tip toeing to reach the top shelf for the sugar. "What? No! I want to more than anything!" scrambling off of the sofa and into the kitchen to reassure you. "I've just been thinking about this award ceremony tomorrow, it's at Wembley, do you think you can make it?" looking down at her toes and nervously biting her bottom lip. "Of course I can, anything for you gorgeous!" leaning over the counter and kissing her, "is that what you've been worried about?" stroking her cheek until she looked at you again. "Yeah, I just thought you'd be going to spend time with your family and would miss it" she smiled sadly that you'd soon be leaving her. "I'll spend time with them next week when I go back to work, I want to have you to myself until then thank you" ending your sentence with a sweet high pitch boop to the tip of her nose. Rachel told you the time and that you'd have to make your own way there because she had to be with the team early in the morning.  She gave you some money for a new outfit, to get your nails and hair done then drove you to the store.


Walking up Wembley Way you thought it was strange that there was nobody else around, 'maybe it's private event' or 'I've got the wrong time' you thought as you approached the stairs where Rach had told you to meet her. Climbing the 48 Olympic Steps until the entrance came in to view, you noticed a smartly dressed Millie holding a singular red rose. "Rach has been caught up, I've been asked to walk you in" holding out her arm for you to link on to. The taller blonde lead you up the escalators to the Level 2 balcony, leaning over the railing to look around you noticed that nobody else was there apart from you which was confusing. There was music playing in the background when suddenly the screens lit up with the game where you and Rachel met - at Wembley. It looked like a highlight reel of sorts, like a collage. It started with the warm up with Millie and Rachel chatting then zoomed in to Rachel's throw in. You never realised you had been caught on camera throwing her the ball, as you looked to Millie comically at seeing yourself on the big screen, it then showed Rachel's goal. The video lead onto her saying no to swapping shirts with Rapinoe and giving it to you. Rachel's voice came over the speaker as flashbacks continued to play out to the empty stadium, "I fell in love with you the first day I met you." It showed the Sky interview and where she glanced over to you, then signing your shirt - all clips you never knew had been recorded. The first TikTok with Mary, every goal that was celebrated together, training with you at the sidelines. "I fell in love with you the second day I met you" Rachel's voice again echoed around the stadium making you look to see if you could find her as more videos continued to play out. Fan videos and photos of you both, videos of the nights out you've been on, Rachel's phone camera reel and the helicopter ride in Australia. "I've loved you every minute of every day that I have known you" was said as the World Cup celebrations played through until the end. Looking at Millie with tears in your eyes when there was a pause until the screen clicked back on. Lastly playing the interview with Jill where she asked her friend when she's going to propose and Rach saying "if we win the World Cup I will" and laughing. That's when you realised... it must be happening. The goosebumps ran up your arms as you wondered where your girlfriend was going to appear from. The screen went blank with "to be continued" on it as Millie tapped you on the shoulder. Turning around to face her "is this what I think it is?" you asked with a tremble in your voice. With a smirk and a shrug of her shoulders she started to lead you down the stairs, nudging you in the corridor "we won didn't we" she winked as you reached the pitch where you saw Rachel had appeared, she looked so tiny in the middle of this massive stadium all alone. "Mills, I'm shaking" holding up your hand for her to see, she held your shoulders and took deep breaths with you for a moment. Pulling you into a tight squeeze and kissing your forehead before leading you on to the field and swiftly disappearing off in another direction, you were too focused on your girl to notice where she went.

With your breaths shallow and your body trembling you reached your girlfriend in the middle of the grass. Taking your hands in hers, "hey" you both said at the same time causing a nervous giggle from each of you. "You're gorgeous" she whispered, stroking the strands of hair out of your face. "You're perfect" you sighed, anticipating her next move.

"(Y/n), I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. You were everything I needed at exactly the right time. You're beautiful, kind, honest, everything I've ever wanted I have found in you. You've made me believe in love again, I smile and laugh every day because I get to spend my days with you."

Taking hold of your shoulders she turned your body to face the end of the pitch where you didn't realise the rest of the team had appeared standing in a long row. One by one they unzipped the jackets to show their shirts spelled out 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' Tears rolled down your cheeks as you clasped your hands to your mouth, turning back towards Rachel who was now kneeling on the floor with an open ring box "(Y/f/n), would you make me the happiest person on Earth by becoming my wife?" her voice a little shaky but the smile showing the adoration she had for you. She had barely finished her sentence when you threw yourself at her on the ground. "Yes!! Yes!! A million times yes!" shouting your answer for everyone to hear, tears streaming down both of your faces as she slid the ring onto your finger. Hearing the team cheer from behind and the footsteps of them sprinting towards you both filled your hearts with joy until you heard a more familiar voice. Glancing over in the direction it came from to see all of your family and friends running towards you from the opposite direction. You hadn't seen your family for months and was quick to run over and meet them half way, your sister jumping on your back when she was close enough and holding your hand up for everyone to see.

After the audience had departed to give you time to enjoy the moment you laid on the floor side by side on the centre half, looking up at the heavens that had turned a deep blue with the stars twinkling against the night sky. Even Pop's had showed up for the special occasion!

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