Chapter One - Intrusive Thoughts

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If you see any hate in here or smth I DO NOT MEAN IT. /also I might include some parts of Ticking (my other book) but this story will be very different from that- I think?


Third Reich lost his father, the German Empire during the Great War. He didn't really care but it had to be Weimar whom "take care" of the fatherland? I don't think he's able to handle such a thing.

Because the economy is collapsing? Hello?

Ugh I could do better, give the Germans a better life and a better belief! I bet its those Jews who are destroying Germany! I could also make our dreams of a beautiful German Empire, even if that means taking over the world.

Third Reich's mind suddenly wandered to something else... I keep forgetting his name, but he was apparently my "best friend" before the Great War.

No, don't think too hard! Bitch is probably dead or something.

Frustrated, Third Reich got off of his chair and stormed through the halls. He still lived with his older brother, yes, but they weren't close anymore. Which causes family problems...

I realized its dinner- whatever fuck dinner I'm going for a walk. I just need some fresh air to calm down...

"Reich!" Third Reich could hear someone call his name through the house, what does his bastard need...?

"What?!" Third Reich answered back, stopping in his tracks. He could hear a couple of footsteps coming in his way.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Weimar asked, Third Reich shook his head. It was kind of weird how Third Reich was a bit taller than Weimar tho, I mean sometimes height means something when you're a country.

Or a republic...

He made it outside, today was fresh and windy which made it a bit cold but I can handle it. 

And again, his mind wandered to his old "best friend." I swear its kind of annoying... I do in fact have some memories of me and him- but most of them have Weimar with it. And I don't even want to ask Weimar about him. 

Weimar probably doesn't remember him either, and if we don't remember him- he probably won't even remember us.

Whatever, stop thinking about shit and think about your future!


Third Reich stopped at a peaceful, and quiet area. It was just a small forest with a river running along its direction. It was a pretty chill place since no one really comes here.

Which was perfect.

He sat on a oak log, now pondering...

I wonder when I should just go ahead and murder Weimar, should I do it the peaceful way or brutal way? What is one way to go in history and be known for something terrifying that'll affect the world?

I mean, it's March 22, 1933. I'll kill that failing bitch soon.

Or rather tomorrow...


I'm not fond with the borders with Poland, tho. He'll be a target. 

But that may cause a war, knowing those stupid Allies, France, & Great Britain... 


Go down in history... War! I know a couple of popular wars, many went into history- and the Great War ended a couple years ago, I could start another one... Take over the world and punish the Jews for their sins. I'll take parts of Czechoslovakia first, the parts where many Aryans live. Then I could invade the rest of Czechoslovakia.

But still, Poland is the main target. I very much dislike the borders between Germany and him- its separating my land.

And the Allies? I'm not sure, I mean I could try to do what vater (father) did in the Great War, knock France down first, but I'll have to invade Belgium in order to do that. I'll also need some allies in order to win this war, we'll control the entire world together and nothing would stop us.

Looks like that's gonna be my destiny.

Then again, his mind wandered into something else.

"I'm gonna kill myself if you keep doing that!" Third Reich snapped at himself, sometimes its a bit difficult to get your stupid brain to focus on your future and "evil" plans.

But suddenly, a memory struck him from when he was a teenage republic.

"I WON!" Soviet announced, playfully slapping Third and then running around the room in circles.

"YOU WANNA GO?!" Third Reich yelled, charging at Soviet and tackling him until they were both fighting on the floor.

"YOU TWO STOP IT." Weimar yelled, trying to separate them.

"AHHHHHH! THIS ROACH IS ON ME!!!" Soviet yelled, laughing.

"IM NOT A ROACH YOU ONION!" Third Reich laughed.

"So what am I if your Third Roach and he's Soviet Onion?" Weimar asked.

The two stopped fighting, thinking about what to called Weimar.

"Winnie the Pooh." Third Reich dramatically said, getting off of Soviet.

"Winnie Republic." Soviet proudly announced. Weimar giggled. (See- Ticking, Chapter Three)

And that was the end of the memory.

"Soviet Onion..." Third Reich repeated out loud, I know that's not their name- it was a nickname to make fun of...

Soviet Union?

Now that sounds more familiar! 

"Soviet Union." Third Reich repeated out loud, yeah... That's very familiar.

He did mention a revolution against his father, but I never heard from him since the Great War.

I wonder if he did win the revolution.

Wait... If he's still alive- maybe he could be my ally. I'm actually interested if he's still here.

He could help me with this war... I could just manipulate him and then stab his back once I'm satisfied enough with him.

But if he's really useful I'll keep him.

But first, I gotta kill a certain, weak brother.

Third Reich got up, it was now getting quite dark out here. I better go before any night animals start coming out here.

Finally done! Its kinda short but I'll try keeping these long. Cya!

Edited: 0/5

Words: 945

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