No mass pt 2

79 4 4

Amelia's pov

Alex didn't wake me up when he left this morning
Actually when I went to pee he was gone

At 3 in the morning

What was he doing at three in the morning that he had to leave me

I couldn't sleep after that

I tried going to his room but his window was locked

Little bitch

It's 7 in the morning now and I'm eating cereal on the couch waiting

when someone knocked on the apartment door. My dad went to open it to reveal the whole Alvarez family.

"Hello, Schneider. Listen have you-" Penelope started

"Wow! I always forget how huge your apartment is." Alex said, barging into the apartment

Liar when everyone is gone he's always here

I pretend to not notice him and go back to eating

"Nah, come on, it's not that big. But let's talk in the parlor." Schneider said

"Schneider, have you seen my mom?" Penelope asked

"Gosh, no." Him and I, suspiciously, said

"Then why do I smell fried plantains and Cuban coffee?"

Elena asked, glancing around the apartment

"Fine! She spent the night. But I want you to know, nothing happened." He promised

"Gross" I said while Alex sat next to me

He looks super good today

"Hi mi amada" he said while trying to kiss my cheek but failing as I move my head to look away from him

"What were you thinking chasing that woman away? She's funny, charming, and when she gets angry, she cleans." He said

"Where is she?" Penelope asked, ignoring most of what he said

"I don't know. After last nights ugliness, she spent the night and left without saying goodbye. So, she already knows the drill." He said, referring to the previous women that had been in the apartment

"Again, Gross." I groaned

Then, a girl walked out a Schneider's room wearing just a shirt.

"Unlike some people." He said, glaring at the girl

The girl walked into a different room, and everyone turned their attention back towards Schneider

"What was that? And why was she drinking my coffee?"Penelope asked

"Well, when my family oasis blew up last night, I had to seek solace in the arms of.. I don't know her name. Your mom called her the stick girl and made her eat plato de huevos." He said

"Did Abuelita forget to give her her pants, too?" Alex asked

He turns to me and kissed me on the cheek
Catching me off guard

"Why so grouchy this morning my sweet girl" he whispered

I pull him to my room while everyone else is occupied

"Why did you leave" I Hug him

"I'm sorry baby I thought you were asleep" he wraps his arm around me using his other hand to make me look at him

"That's not answering my question" I pout the tiniest bit knowing it'll get to him

He sighs a bit while moving him hand to my lower back just above my butt

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