Bingo Snaps

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A few weeks later...

Bingo POV

"Hey, Lila?" I said as I climbed on top of the monkey bars at my old school's playground.

"Wassup?" She asked, climbing up as well then sat next to me.

"Someone has been bullying me…" I said quietly.

"What? Who?" She said, alarmed.

"Juniper," I replied.

Lila gave me a confused look. "Juniper? Really?"

I nodded. "I don't know why, we're friends and all," 

"Well, I will help you, and we can get through this," She smiled and grabbed my paw. "Together,"

I smiled and squeezed her paw.

Lila and I hopped off the monkey bars and then walked back to my house.

"Wanna hang out again tomorrow?"  Lila asked.

"Sure! Can we go to your house?" I replied.

"How about we go to the beach instead?" She requested.


So that's what we did. We went to the beach the next day and had a great time. But something was bothering me. It felt like something was watching Lila and I, but we didn't ever see anyone.


"Bye Lila!" Bingo said as her best friend Lila left. "See you tomorrow!"

"See ya!" I heard Lila faintly say.

I was at the kitchen table doing some homework.

"Hey, Bingo," I said, putting my pencil down and then hopped from my chair. "Do you-"

"I should do some homework. We can talk later," Bingo interrupted then went upstairs.

I sighed, so I grabbed my pencil, sat back down and started to do the rest of my homework.

Later that night…

Tap. Tap. Scratch. Scratch.

I sat up and looked at my phone.

2:37 in the morning.

I pulled my bed covers off me and stood up. I kept hearing weird noises coming from the hall outside. I slowly opened the door to my room and looked out in the hallway. All I saw was darkness, except for a faint light shining under Bingo's bedroom door. 


That time it came from Bingo's room.

I quietly walked across the hall to Bingo's room and cracked the door open. I peeked in but didn't see Bingo. I went over to her bed and pulled off the covers. There were a couple of pillows and her stuffed bunny Floppy. A sudden cold breeze went through the room. It turned to her window and saw it was wide open.

"Bingo?" I whispered-shouted. "Where are you?"

I frantically searched her room and the rest of the house, but found no trace of her. I had no choice but to wake up Mum and Dad.

"What do you mean Bingo's missing?" Mum asked, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"I can't find her! She's not in her room, or anywhere in the house!" I replied quickly.

Mum and Dad called the police. I was stressed and I felt like I needed to call one of my friends. Mackenzie kept coming to my mind. 

So I did. I grabbed my phone from my room and dialed Mackenzie's number.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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