CHAPTER 1</333

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First day of grade ten.........

Irene was about to be late for first day of school again but she ran into some one on the way there "Irene?.." a cold voice said "Benjamin is that you?..." "yeah Irene its been a long time since i saw you my love" Benjamin said to Irene with a teasing voice.
Benjamin was Irenes boyfriend at the time .....

after classes they met at the canteen to talk to each other "Lovee!!"Irene said while walking to Benjamin "Yeah?what do you need ?" "can you pls get me fries and a juice box? ill give you the money to buy me some " Irene asked "ofcourse " as Irene was handing the 100 pesos to Benjamin someone yelled from afar "Ireneee!!! Oh may godd its been three months since i saw you !!" "Avi is that youu!!!Omgg you look so thin girl" "wheres Kat and Ivy" Irene added""Probably at the washrooms " as they talked for a while Benjamin came back with Irenes food that she asked for "Hey avi nice to see you" Benjamin said "Ben?? omg are you still together?" Avianna asked excitedly "Staying strong forever " Irene said. After talking to each other for about 30 mins the bell rang and they went in their separate ways.

As Irene was walking to her English room she saw a boy with dark skin , black hair and brown eyes "Whoa that boy is handsome" she thought . She didnt notice that the boy was looking at her ,when she noticed she ran as fast as she could to the English room. The boy was looking at her smiling while she was running away and said "cute"

While Irene was the Science lab she notice that the class was about to stop so she ask if she can go to the restroom luckily the teacher allowed her to go out.As she was walking to the restroom she saw the boy once again but he was looking at her the boy approached her and grabbed her hands and dragged her to a closet that no one uses and looked the door"what do you need from me?!" Irene yelled at the boy "Im Chris i know you were thinking that i looked handsome earlier " Chris said laughing "oh please " Irene said "Fine fine ill open the door" Chris replied to Irene "Fuck cant open" "let me try " the door still didn't open after many trys" let me try to chat my boyfriend to see if he can get me out of here" as Irene looked for her pocket she remembered that she left her phone at her locker "Oh my fricking god i left it at my locker"as Irene was panicking chris gently

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