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From a college Campus, there’s a guy who has named “Kye”, a very like sort of selfish, and awful person he is, but has a Godsend heart to help people in his surroundings. After his first week in college, he had met a new friend, they are Aya, Jay, Jii, John, Rina, Mell, and Anton. 

Until a few months, they friendship were strong, and deeper that Kye was thankful about them even though he has seemed so unfair, and rude person sometimes. The strong foundation of their friendship was like a box with so many stuffs in there, so meaningful and a sort of relationship to desire.

After semester, they had met Angi, and Kulot these are girls from other section who send to Kye’s section. Finally, they are happy to meet each other because of funny personality of them. Fortunately, the Kye’s friendship is not really hard to adjust for them.

A couple of months, and weeks Jay has sent bad news that Kye, and friends are might be surprised. They do not know what to do after they knew what Jay was said. It was really surreal that never expected to happen in their friendship that Angi’s life is now end, and her happy laugh and genuine smile are never seen anymore after the day of her death.

—To your kindful heart to support me is a big help for me. To all those who wants to recontinue reading this type of friendship story, please follow and like here! also my comment section is open for all types even that it's suggestion, criticism, and thoughts. Walang bawal dito, kaya I am very hoping for all of your supports. Love You.


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