pt.3 {Free Felix!}

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Many people believed Felix had no reason to be arrested, as it was "self-defense." Hyunjin was in that group of people. Jisung, though, noticed something off as he watched the video that Hyunjin had shown the group. Felix and Jisung were in the same boat. They were far from sane. Jisung was very protective of the people he loved. Jisung wouldn't go as far as Felix, but he would hurt someone if they looked at Minho in any way. Jisung saw Hyunjin's weird fascination with Felix. A part of him wanted to feel happy for his friend, but that was difficult. If anyone was like felix they would be able to tell that he wasn't normal or innocent.

"Hyun, what about him do you even like?" Jisung asked with a sigh. Hyunjin looked at him and scoffed. "Him." Hyunjin proudly stated, this time, Minho had to step in. "You don't know anything besides whatever you researched earlier." sick of the couple being against him, he slammed his phone down aggressively and stood up.

"Why can't you guys just be happy for me? I finally have actual feelings for someone, and you give me pure shit .for it. I'm sick of your psycho asses judging me. Dumbasses. I'm going to the bathroom." Hyunjin began to walk away, but they all knew better than to let him leave when he's upset. Seungmin wasn't going to risk it, so he went and locked the bathroom with the key. Only he had the key because he was the most responsible.

"FUCK HYUNJIN HE IS NO BETTER THAN ME. IF YOU KNEW ANYTHING LIKE I DO, YOU'D BE ABLE TO TELL. HE'S LIKE ME, IF ANYTHING HE'S WORSE." Jisung yelled. He never yelled at them before. That gave Hyunjin a sense of fear. For the first time in a long time he felt genuine fear. Minho also felt scared of his own boyfriend. Minho hated yelling, it brought back bad memories. All of his memories of his family were horrid. He always did his best to block them out. Whenever he thought of his family it made him angry. Who does that to their child? Who lets that happen? Who sits back and watches their child experience trauma with a smile?

"Jisung." Seungmin crossed his arms and shook his head. Normally, Seungmin wouldn't get involved, but the more it went on the worse everyone got. "What Seun- Minho baby it's okay, I'm sorry for yelling... I'm sorry Hyunjin, I'm just worried for you. Getting involved with someone like him isn't the best choice." Jisung hugged his boyfriend tightly as he looked at Hyunjin with an apologetic smile. Hyunjin just nodded and began watching the news off his phone. He wanted to see if there was more info on Felix. Jisung just sighed and began focusing on Minho. Jeongin just sat and watched everything unfold. He was also not the type to intervene unless necessary, but normally Seungmin would beat him to it.

Out of everyone Changbin was the most normal. He didn't go through as much as everyone else. Changbin didn't grow up in a bad home. Where he grew up everyone showed their support for each other. He only moved out because he wanted to help his boyfriend, Chan, with his insomnia. His parents agreed almost instantly. They loved that their son was kind enough to help care for his lover. Changbin's parents did their best to be second parents to all of their son's friends because they needed it. The only thing no one knew is the fact Changbin knew Felix. Changbin grew up with Felix. They were best friends until Felix went into foster care.

Chan was second on the 'normal scale.' He grew up with parents who did the bare minimum. They fed him and they would buy him things. He only developed sleeping issues because every night his parents would fight. They were loud. They threw things at each other, but never in front of Chan and Hannah. Chan would sometimes sit in Hannah's room and sing her songs to help her sleep. He was a good older brother, and even his friends saw that. They could see Chan was a good person. They were proud of Chan for growing up strong and leading by example.

Jeongin, Seungmin, Minho, and Jisung didn't grow up in very good homes. They can have their own chapters. The only reason Chan and Changbin didn't live with the other 5 was because their parents said no. They weren't the type to disobey their parents. They loved their friends, but their parents were worried for their mental health. They didn't want anything to hurt their babies, so they told them to not live with their friends. The other 5 weren't bothered by that, they had respect for Mr and Mrs. Seo and Bhang.

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