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Facts about this AU.

Here are something's that all vampires have in common.

Vampires can live up to 500-10,000+ years old depending on how much blood they have consume over their lifetime.

Vampires have a paler skin complexion compared to humans.

Their skin is cold to the touch, but they can still feel heat.

if a vampire is deprived of blood they will slowly starve to death, this may take years, decades or centuries depending on how much blood they have consume.

When a vampire hasn't drank blood in a while they will enter one of the four stages.

Stage one: the vampire will begin to start to crave blood, there senses will slowly increase and it will slowly get harder to think straight.

Stage two: the vampire's eyes will begin to grow red, there fags will extend and they will slowly begin to see red in their vision.

Stage three: The vampire will begin to become more animalistic, there limits will become longer and thinner, there Nellis, fags will glower longer and sharper.

Stage four: they have lost all thought except for the fastest way to get blood or to stay alive as long as possible, all they can see is red and as soon as they are no longer in stage four they will forget everything at happen in that time.

While vampires primarily sustain themselves on blood, they are capable of consuming human food. However, Human food offers them no nutritional value, and the taste is often unpleasant, ranging from bland to downright repulsive.

Most vampires have beauty, elegance, and features that seem to be sculpted to perfection. This natural allure is one of the many traits that set them apart from humans

Vampires do not require sleep, allowing them to remain active and alert at all times and they can most never get truly full.

Every vampire has the potential to unlock a unique special ability as they age and grow stronger. These abilities vary widely, including super speed, flight, invisibility, mind control, and more. The process of unlocking these abilities is often gradual, tied to their consumption of blood and their age.

Animal blood is highly unappealing to vampires. It has a foul taste and only provides temporary sustenance. To maintain their health and strength, vampires need to consume human blood regularly. Animal blood can stave off starvation for a short time, but it leaves them weakened and unsatisfied.

Vampires are much harder to kill than humans due to their advanced regenerative abilities. They can heal from injuries at an accelerated rate, and this regeneration is further enhanced by consuming blood. The more blood they drink, the faster they recover from wounds.

When a vampire bites a human, they have the option to turn that person into a vampire. This choice is deliberate, the vampire can control whether their bite merely feeds them or initiates the transformation process.

Vampires are physically superior to humans in every aspect. They possess greater strength, speed, agility, and endurance, they can even see in the dark.

Sunlight is extremely dangerous to vampires. When exposed to it, they initially feel a slight warmth that quickly escalates into an unbearable heat. Their skin begins to sting, then burn, and eventually catch fire, leading to the slow and painful process of turning into ashes. The longer they are exposed, the faster the effects take hold.

As vampires age, they grow stronger, their powers increasing with time. An older vampire is a force to be reckoned with, often possessing abilities and knowledge that younger vampires can only dream of.

Despite their common traits, no two vampires are exactly alike. Each has unique strengths and weaknesses, making them distinct individuals. For example, some may have heightened sensitivity to garlic, while others might be particularly vulnerable to holy items, running water, or other specific elements. These variations make each vampire's experience and challenges unique.

Kyle is a 16 years old.

Kyle was born a vampire.

Stan is a 15 years old.

All of the other characters are around the same age.

(I hope you all enjoyed this story and sorry for any spelling mistakes.)

[Word count: 693]

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