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Chapter 1: The New Kid
Lucky Sung stood in front of the entrance of his new high school, nervously fiddling with the strap of his backpack. He had moved to this new town with his mother, and today was his first day at this new school as a freshman. He took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, determined to make a good impression.
As he walked down the hallways, he couldn't help but feel intimidated by the size of the school. Lucky was used to a small and close-knit school, but this one seemed to be filled with endless corridors and bustling students. He tried to blend in with the crowd, but his hourglass figure and sassiness made him stand out.
His two friends, Maya and Ash, joined him as they made their way to their first class. Maya was a petite girl with a bubbly personality, and Ash was a tall and lanky boy who was always cracking jokes. Lucky was grateful to have them by his side, especially on his first day.
As they entered the classroom, Lucky's eyes were immediately drawn to one particular student. He was tall and muscular, with a head full of curly hair and piercing blue eyes. His name was Aj Ice, and he was the star of the school's football team.

Chapter 2: Unexpected Attraction
Lucky couldn't take his eyes off of Aj as he took his seat next to Maya. He couldn't help but blush when their eyes met, and he quickly looked away. He had never felt this way before, and he didn't know what to make of it.
Maya, who was aware of Lucky's attraction, nudged him and whispered, "He's cute, isn't he?"
Lucky could only nod in response, his heart racing. He had always known that he was gay, but he didn't expect to have such strong feelings for Aj. He was also intersex, which made him even more nervous about pursuing anyone.
But as the days went by, Lucky couldn't deny his growing feelings for Aj. He found any excuse to talk to him, and soon enough, they became friends. Lucky had never been happier, and he was grateful to have found someone who accepted him for who he was.
But there was one problem - Aj was a jock and was known for only dating girls. Lucky didn't want to risk ruining their friendship by confessing his feelings, but he couldn't help but dream about what it would be like to be with Aj.

Chapter 3: Confessions
One day, Lucky found Aj in the school's library, studying for an upcoming test. He hesitated for a moment before sitting down next to him, but Aj welcomed him with a warm smile.
As they studied together, Lucky couldn't keep his eyes off of Aj. He found himself lost in his deep blue eyes and couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way.
After a few minutes of silence, Aj broke the silence and said, "You know, Lucky, I've been meaning to tell you something."
Lucky's heart skipped a beat, but he tried to act casual as he replied, "What is it?"
Aj took a deep breath before continuing, "I know this might sound weird, but I think I have feelings for you."
Lucky felt like he was dreaming. This was the moment he had been waiting for, but he couldn't believe it was actually happening. He quickly composed himself and confessed his feelings for Aj as well.
From that day on, they became inseparable. They would hang out after school, go on dates, and even sneak kisses in between classes. Maya and Ash were happy for their friend, and Lucky finally felt like he belonged.

Chapter 4: The First Time
As their relationship grew stronger, Lucky couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to take things to the next level with Aj. He was a virgin, but he knew that he wanted to be intimate with Aj.
One night, as they lay in Aj's bed, Lucky decided to take the leap and asked, "Do you want to have sex with me?"
Aj's eyes widened, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his voice as he replied, "Are you sure? I don't want to rush you."
Lucky nodded, his cheeks flushed with anticipation. Aj made sure to be gentle and patient with him, and that night, they shared their first time together.
From that moment on, they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. They explored each other's bodies, discovering new ways to pleasure one another. And Lucky couldn't be happier with his decision to take that leap.

Chapter 5: A Shocking Discovery
As their relationship continued to blossom, Lucky and Aj faced a new challenge - Aj's ex-girlfriend. She couldn't accept the fact that Aj was now dating a boy, and she constantly tried to come between them.
One day, she made a shocking discovery about Lucky - he was intersex. She spread rumors around the school, and soon enough, everyone knew about Lucky's condition.
Feeling ashamed and humiliated, Lucky tried to avoid Aj, but Aj wouldn't let him. He stood by Lucky's side, defending him against anyone who dared to make fun of him.
But when Lucky missed his period, he couldn't help but panic. He took a pregnancy test, and it came back positive. He didn't know how to tell Aj, but he knew he had to.
With tears in his eyes, Lucky confessed the news to Aj. He braced himself for rejection, but Aj surprised him by embracing him and promising to support him no matter what. Lucky felt a wave of relief and love wash over him.
And thus began their journey of parenthood, with Aj and Lucky by each other's side, facing any challenges that came their way. They may have been young, but their love was strong and unbreakable. And they knew that together, they could conquer anything.

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