Part 1

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Izumi pov

"Izumi time is get up you'll be late for school!"
'Here we go again with another day of school...'
"I coming..." I sigh sitting up. Why do people really go to school, is it because of friends, education, popularity or something else. But shoutout to the people who are to tried to go.
My reason I don't wanna go is because, well I'm invisible not literally but no one notices me it's so but that the teachers don't know my name or face. Everyday it's 'are you new here, welcome to my class' well hate to tell you this BUT I'VE BEEN IN YOUR CLASS FOR A WHOLE YEAR. But who cares as long as my big sister knows I'm here then I'm fine. She's the only person who sees me and my only family. Yeah this a classic story parents die in a car accident while their children survive.

My sister was only twelve and she took care of me. We lived together orphanage. She was also there we had our fight yes but she always said sorry while I'm the one who should be saying that. When she was eighteen we left that hell hole and she worked her butt off. She got a good paying job at Morioh. So we have our own house and car it's a win,win situation for us. Heck she even put me into school (I regret that decision). So here we are she's twenty seven and I'm fifteen. "Izumi what are you doing you're going to be late!" "I'm coming Mitsuki I'm coming just having a flashback!!" I shouted going down stairs seeing her cooking.
"Well look at you in your school uniform YOU LOOK SOOO CUTE!"squealing 'ah she's fangirling again' "please comb your hair you know white hair can be complicated" she said pointing to her hair then mine. "But I dyed my hair black soo..."  Misuki sighed "I don't know why you always hide yourself you look beautiful" she kissed my forehead I smiled "thanks sis now something is burning" I said smelling the smoke "SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THE PANCAKES" she shouted bring out her ghost. Oh yeah we have these ghost things other people can't see them but us.

Her ghost is a ghost that looks like water but takes the shape of a person it controls water and produces it. "IZUMI YOU CAN WALK TO SCHOOL I GOT THIS! WAVE PUT OUT THE FIRE" she shouts well I start walking to the door "BYE SIS HAVE A GOOD DAY AT WORK !" I closed the door and walked into the street where no one saw me it's like every time I walk out those doors I walk to another world. "Ok we can do this Izumi we can get through this year and pray we don't get bullied" I gulped to the thought of being bullied again but I know I was gonna to face that again.

Misuki pov

"Damn that was close I nearly burnt down the house" I sighed "Thanks Wave!" I said as it smiled and disappeared. "Izumi please have a good day and please be careful that ghost of yours may kill someone...." 'Ok now let's get ready for work I'll buy Izumi's favorite cappuccino loaf in swear that girl is addicted to those things' I smiled

Josuke pov

In another place Josuke was walking with same of his friends "Yo Josuke! Do you even have a crush with the amount of girls surrounding you. You gotta have one!!" "Okuyasu I don't think it's appropriate to ask a question like that." "Koichi it's fine Okuyasu can ask." I said blushing at the question "Well I do have a crush on this one girl" I smiled a little thinking about her "Who is it!" Both Okuyasu and Koichi shouted "Ok Ok h-her name i-is Izumi Yamiyo!" I shouted blushing but koichi and Okuyasu looked confused "who's that?" "Never heard of her" I was shocked "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS GOING ON ABOUT SHE'S BEEN IN OUR CLASS FOR A WHOLE YEAR" I shouted more shocked and Koichi was thinking at that moment "oh you mean that one girl who sits at the back of the class. The one with white hair?" "Yes but no she dyed her hair it's black now..." I answered "Woah Josuke are you sure you're not stalking her" Okuyasu smirked "I'm not I just see her when she's there she really doesn't talk to others I-I m-mean I tried talking to her but she just ignored me like she ignores everyone..." I sigh 'I see her but will she notice me' I thought as we walked to school.

As we entered the girls came running to me 'man this can get tiring' then I saw her walking past me with her ruby red eyes facing the ground avoiding eye contact how I wish she would stop and look at me. Wearing her purple scarf it was a cold morning so she would wear it she always does. "JOSUKE LOOKING AT ME!!" The one girl in Izumi's direction thought " n-no I" "WHY WOULD HE LOOK AT YOU YOU'RE JUST UGLY" "WHO ARE YOU CALLING UGLY YOU'RE AS FLAT AS PAPER" The girls started fighting as I run away from it and to Izumi's direction following her

Izumi pov

'Man I should stop dying my hair my scalp is as itchy as fuck damn it' as I walking someone shouted my name 'what the hell' I turned around and see the Josuke Higashikata running up to me smiling. 'THIS IS BAD THIS IS BAD' I turned around running the other way not noticing I dropped my poetry book.

Josuke pov

"Wait! You dropped and she's gone...damn it" I picked up the book 'Oh it's her poetry book...woah there's a lot of poems in here...maybe I can read one' I turned the book to a random poem:

Alone in a crowded room,
Surrounded by people I don't know.
A heart that aches with every beat,
Longing for someone who's not here.

I wander in the empty streets,
Where no one else can feel my pain.
I'm lost in a world so big,
Yet filled with loneliness and fear.

I look for comfort in the stars,
But even they seem so far away.
I cry out into the darkness,
Sinking deeper into the void.

But still I hold on to hope,
That someday I'll find my way.
And until then, I'll keep on fighting,
With every breath that I can take.

Josuke pov
"Woah thats deep maybe another one"

True love is hard to find,
But when you do, it's worth the time.
A spark that ignites a flame,
Something that can never be tame.

A connection so deep and strong,
That nothing can ever go wrong.
A bond that can never be broken,
A love that will always be spoken.

It's a feeling that can't be described,
A love that's true, and never denied.
It's something that you just have to know,
A love that will last a lifetime, and ever so.

Josuke pov
"Ok one more this is the last one her poems are so addictive"

You feel it in the way they look at you,
In the way they smile, and the way they care.
It's in the way they listen when you're talking,
And the way they laugh, and the way they share.

They notice the little things about you,
And the big things, too, without fail.
They're the one who's always there for you,
Through thick and thin, without a doubt.

You notice the way they show their love,
In all the small things that they do.
They make you feel special, and loved,
In ways you never thought were possible, too.

So if you're wondering if someone loves you,
Look closely, and you'll see.
For true love is something that can't be hidden,
And it's something that won't ever be denied.

So this man that thinks I don't know him
I see you
So thank you but I don't think I can face you...

Josuke pov
I stood there reading this one poem over and over I want to think she wrote this about me but I don't know so I'll try make notice me

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