Chapter 2

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Me and the woman, who I was guessing is Kazuki Mom, brought me into a spare bedroom. The room wasn't too big but not too small, with what I believe to be a futon in the middle of the room. I know my stuff about Japan.

"This is where you will sleep."

"Okay, thank you, ma'am."

I watched as Kazuki Mom left the room. As I sit down on the bed, I reach into my pocket to get my phone, but it is not there.
"Where is my phone!?" I started to panic. Yes, this is the thing. I panic about not being stuck in another country. But my phone is not with me. A few moments later, I heard footsteps, so I calmed down. An enters Kazuki Mom with a kimono in her hands.

"Here you go, dear." Kazuki mom handed me the kimono to change into. I don't want to, but I will need to blend in. After I change into the kimono, I walk out of the room and see Kazuki opening the door to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Into town, do you want to come with me?"

"Sure, I guess I have nothing better to do."

I walk to the door and leave with Kazuki to go to town. At least I can see what year I'm in by how the town looks.

"What the!?" I said Kazuki looked at me confused again as he was paying for the food.

"Why did you say what?" Kazuki asked me as he handed me a bag for me to take.

I took the bag, which is why I was shocked because I didn't recognize the currency they were using. It looks really dated.

"Oh, no reason," I said, laughing it off like I was crazy, but seriously, what year am I in?
Kazuki gave me. Suspicious look, but brushed it off.

As we walked up the mountain, Kazuki started to question me, Idk, have a small talk.

"So why are you in the cold alone?" Kazuki asked.
"Not much of a talker, are you?" Kazuki laughed at his own joke. I will admit that I don't talk that much; I'm just wondering how I got here and how to leave.

"So, Kazuki, what year is it?" I asked. Kazuki had a confused look on his face.

"It's the Tashio era, silly."

"Tashio what"

"Tashio era?"

Am I in a fucking anime? The only show that I know has a Tashio era is Demon Slayer. Omg, how? My thoughts got cut off by Kazuki.

"Hey, are you okay? You zoned out for a bit."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, maybe just a little tired."

"Hm, alright then," Kazuki looked at me suspiciously, wondering why he was looking at me like that.

"Well, if you're that tired, we go home and get you straight to bed."

I got dragged to the house, and Kazuki Mom sent me to bed immediately. I lay down on the futon and began to think about how I teleported to the demon slayer to wait for that gem.

After a few minutes, I heard the sliding door open; it was Kazuki Mom.

"Hey, dear Ryota, gave me this necklace; he said when he found you, it was on the ground next to you." She said she was holding a necklace that had a silver chain, and at the end was the gem that I picked up that got me here.

I got up from my futon and walked over to her. She hands me the necklace. I looked at it and put it back on.

"You should get some rest, my dear."

"Okay ma'am" I walked back to my futon and laid down. She closed the sliding door to my room. As I fall asleep,

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